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Has your commute gotten too expensive? Are you looking to save on gas, time, and parking fees? Electric scooters might be exactly what you need. Here are a few ways an electric scooter can help you save money and improve your commute.

It’s Cheaper Than a Car

First and foremost, electric scooters are far more affordable than cars. Even a beater car will run you a few thousand bucks, and if you want something eco-friendly, you’ll spend even more. Meanwhile, eco-friendly escooters start at a few hundred dollars and can get you where you need to be. You can also choose a performance scooter with a max speed of upwards of 60 miles per hour, allowing you to zip through gridlocked traffic.

Electricity Is Cheaper Than Gas

Speaking of gridlocked city traffic, cars are burning gas while sitting in nightly traffic. They hurry up and wait. They stop, and they go. It’s frustrating and wasteful as they’re burning gas that entire time. With an electric scooter, the brake lights will turn into a blur as you make your way home, ignoring traffic jams and getting home much sooner. The best part is that charging your electric scooter’s battery is far cheaper than filling up a gas tank. Besides the actual cost, you don’t have to deal with the inconvenience of stopping by the gas station once a week either.

No More Parking Fees or Tickets

Some workplaces may pay for your parking, but many do not. You need to factor in parking fees when you make your commute. Worse, you might get a parking ticket in the city. With an electric scooter, you never have to worry about finding a parking spot. Instead, fold up your scooter and bring it with you to your desk. Plus, you save a ton of time. Instead of circling around looking for a place to park, you can just ride to the front door of the building and walk in.

Save on Maintenance Costs

Maintaining a car is costly. Oil changes, tire changes, and repairs add up. If you drive a luxury car, it can be even more expensive to keep it running. How much do you need to worry about maintenance costs when looking for electric scooters for sale? In short, very little compared to a traditional car. It’s incredibly easy to maintain electric scooters, and often, they don’t need much maintenance in the first place. Plus, the best companies offer great warranties and extended service agreements to keep your scooter running like new.

Time Is Money

The old saying is that time is money. If you use public transportation for most of your commute but still need to finish the final mile on foot, you may want to ride an electric scooter. It can save you plenty of time walking, making your commute faster. Whether that means more time relaxing, making dinner, playing with the kids, or spending time on hobbies, it means a shorter commute and more time doing what you love. That might be something you can’t put a price on.

About fluidfreeride

The fluidfreeride team spent countless hours looking for the perfect electric scooter until they decided to take matters into their own hands. This led to the creation of the first two fluid scooters, the CityRider and Horizon. They created three more models over the next year while also expanding their service capabilities. fluidfreeride’s large, curated selection of adult electric scooters caters to every need, from commuting to offroad adventures. The fluidfreeride team prides itself on offering you the best scooters and the best service. It’s time to go eco-friendly, ditch your gas-powered car, and experience the thrill of riding a fluidfreeride electric scooter. Check out the full selection today!

Browse the fluidfreeride electric scooter selection at https://fluidfreeride.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3UuIGWX

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