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Web design tips are easy to find on the Internet. People have different ideas about what the best website looks like. This is because, to some extent, design is a matter of taste. What one person likes might be disgusting to another.

At the same time, one of the most important things for a website's success is its web design. In fact, almost half of people say that the way a site looks is the most important thing to them when deciding how trustworthy a company is. Because of this, it also affects conversions, bounce rate, and other things.

Sigh, I wish there was a way to find some objective information about how to design a website that works well. Oh, but there is! And this article brings together a lot of it. Stay on the page for some science-based reno web designer tips. Stop going with your gut and start doing things that have been shown to work.

Tips for a Successful Website Project Based on Science

1. Prioritize Scrolling Over Clicking

In other words, if you do not reduce information into sliders or accordions what do you do to show it? Answer: all of it on one page, including all the information normally hidden away. Really, it's a good idea.

There's a fascinating case study from Crazy Egg to prove this assertion. They changed from simple, short sale page that was 20 times more long than the first.

As a result, conversions jumped by 30 percent! This is certainly nothing to laugh at.

It appears that people like scrolling more than they enjoy clicking. So, if your company is dispersing the details about your product on multiple websites, you should think about rethinking your strategy.


2. Direct Attention Using Visual cues

One of the most important purpose in web-based design is the ability to help users. This can be accomplished by distributing different weights to various elements, thus shifting the focus to on the direction you would like it to be.

However, you can employ more explicit visual cues in order to accomplish this. One way is to take advantages of people tend to stare at the exact same way as the people they see in advertisements.

Look at how in the picture above the more people are watching the content the baby is staring at than when the baby was staring toward the camera? It's a fact and can be used to focus attention on your website where you need it the most.

But, you don't need to be subtle in getting people's attention. Sometimes, it's best to make it clear. In an experiment in which researchers conducted tests of the above effects with a simple arrow that pointed at something.

It's funny how the more direct approach was superior to the subtle signal.

Let this serve as a lesson for you.

3. Make use of people in pictures (But Beware of Stock Photos)

In addition to using them to draw your attention, including other individuals in the images you post on your website is generally a good idea. Humans love to connect with others, both in real life , as also on the web. This is why, for instance we have pages of blogs.

It is apparent in the work of one case study conducted by Basecamp. They were able to improve the conversion rate by 102.5 percent after switching the landing page from text-based to one that featured a huge photo of a human in the background.

Simple, but highly powerful. One caveat is that the entire effect can be diminished by stock photos. An Nielsen Norman Group study discovered that we are proficient in recognizing these common images, and then adjusting them.

This is why when you decide to feature images of individuals on your website, make sure they're genuine and authentic. You can include your employees or clients. Say no to stocks.

4. Make use of the Right List Sort

Utilizing lists that are ordered or unorganized is an excellent way to make information easily accessible. But, it's apparent that, just like in this case human attention can be fickle.

This is due to the phenomenon known as the the serial-position effects. It basically states that when you read an order, you're likely to be able to remember the items at the beginning and the close. The middle portion is, however tends to be ignored.

The takeaway here: When listing the attributes of your service or product be sure to list the most crucial ones areas where they will be influential.

5. Make use of social proof

The final one in our list of web-design suggestions is to address the known as conformity bias. It is the tendency of people to follow what others do. This means that If a large majority of people are in favor of certain things, they tend to do the same.

Another way to leverage this feature on your site is to demonstrate social evidence. If you can prove that other people have a positive view of your website, product or content the new visitors tend to believe the same.

You can easily demonstrate this through the number of the number of social media shares shared, mentions in publications or testimonials. If you're looking to go further into this subject We have an entire piece that will help.