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If you're coming across the term merino wool for the first time, you should know that it differs from regular wool. Merino wool comforters and other bedding items have a higher degree of fineness and softness, which makes them a better choice than everyday wool bedding items. Merino wool is obtained from Merino sheep, which originated in the 12th century. Since then, these specific sheep species have given us the best fleece. Merino wool easily beats synthetic fibers with its quality, and in this write-up, we'll discuss the best reasons you must wear it.

Reason #1: Climate Regulation

Merino wool has a climate regulating system, which is why it is more comfortable than other options. The fabric is very breathable, and you can wear it all year round. In summers, merino wool can absorb your body's moisture vapors and evaporate them, making you feel nice and cool. In winter, such vapors condense inside the fiber, which produces enough heat to keep you nice and warm.

Reason #2: No Odors

If you're concerned about how bedding items smell (regardless of the reason), lightweight comforters made from merino wool absorb the odor. The odor drifts away when you wash the bedding item and feel fresh every time you use it. As a result, the smell of merino wool cannot irritate you like the one coming from cotton would. In addition, there's no need to wash the merino wool items regularly as you can hang them in the open and use them again.

Reason #3: Wrinkle Resistance

Merino wool is not only wrinkle-resistant but also elastic, making it the perfect fabric to travel with. Let's take the example of another clothing item, like a shirt, which needs ironing each time you wash it. But, when it comes to merino wool items, you can easily pack them in a suitcase, pack them well, hang them for half an hour, and you're all good. You'll notice that there will be no wrinkle damage from seatbelts or backpacks.

Reason #4: Durability

Did you know that merino wool is six times stronger than cotton? However, most people need to be made aware of the durability of merino wool as they're already satisfied with the ones in use. The reason is that every fiber is bent back over 20,000 times, creating a strong bond, and there will be multiple bonds like that.

Reason #5: No Allergies

 If you're looking for a gentle fabric on your skin, look no further than merino wool. Studies have shown that wearing merino wool T-shirts or sweaters can reduce eczema symptoms in adults and infants compared to other fabrics. This hypoallergenic fiber is soft and luxurious, and it will treat your skin with the care it deserves.

Final Words

Hence, the reasons mentioned above clearly state that merino wool bedding items can be an excellent choice for you. However, if you want to buy a merino wool mattress topper or any other bedding item that is made from 100% natural and organic raw material, consider Sleep & Beyond the best.Being active in the business since 1992, their credibility and quality of items make them better than other providers in the industry.



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