1. Science / Technology

5 Popular Projects for a Full-Stack Developer

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Working on projects is the best way to hone your skills, put your knowledge to use, and grow as a developer. How many classes, books or podcasts you watch or listen to makes no difference. You will never improve unless you practice and build projects.


This is also a great way to escape the tutorial hell. You can avoid having to follow tutorials constantly by creating excellent projects. This is also important for your portfolio. Having great projects under your belt can open doors and help you advance your career as a full stack developer.


Some common full-stack developer projects are listed below.

  • Business Website

These days, many businesses and entrepreneurs are venturing into the E-commerce industry. The ability to design effective and high-converting e-commerce websites is essential these days.


Building an e-commerce website will teach you a lot. It doesn't have to be a complicated project; a simple website where customers can explore different things in different categories would suffice. This is a fantastic project to work on if you want to learn full-stack web programming. You must also include a shopping cart system so customers can add items to their carts and purchase them. There are a few other things you should consist of as well.

  • A Blog Website

Nowadays, every website requires a blog. Knowing how to build one is a must-have skill for a full-stack developer. This is yet another excellent job to add to your resume.

The website should have a homepage, post, and contact page. You can use a CSS grid to create a grid layout for your blog entries. As a result, readers will see your blog posts and will be able to click on each one to access the post's content page.


There are several tech stacks to choose from for this type of project. Select the one that is familiar to you and meets your needs. To learn more about stacks, join the full stack development course designed for working professionals and beginners. 


  1.  Chat Application

This is one of the most widely discussed full-stack projects. It's an excellent project for developing a wide range of skills as a full-stack developer.


You can create a visually appealing chat web application that allows users to communicate privately in real-time. Users should be able to create an account and share in groups as well.


This project will teach you various skills, such as real-time data transfer, authentication, and security. You are free to use any technology stack you want. The Mern stack is now the most popular, but you can also use reactjs and Firebase+firestore if you're familiar with them.

  • Zoom's Copy

As a result of the lockdown, everyone began to use Zoom in 2020. It's now a popular video conferencing program. As you can see, you can also create a zoom clone that allows users to chat in real-time in groups using their microphones and webcams. This is an excellent project for a beginner to help them improve their skills. A standard tech stack for this type of project is Socket.io/WebRTC.

  • Social Media Application

Everyone nowadays uses at least one social networking web app. The goal is to create a web or mobile social media app that allows users to create accounts and interact with other app users. This is an excellent project to start if you want to learn full-stack development.


Users should be able to post and comment on other users' postings, search for and add friends, and interact with other users. You can also include some extra features if you want. You can also use any tech stack that you are familiar with and that meets your needs. As a result, working on this project will provide you with valuable experience in app performance, security, and user experience, among others.


Hope this article has helped you in building your projects for a full stack career. If you are a CS aspirant looking to boost your web development skills, feel free to check out the top full stack software development course in Dubai. Get a chance to work on several domain-specific  software projects to build your portfolio.