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When it comes to explaining your product, who is better: an expert in your product’s industry or an influencer who has tried it once and is reading from a script? When you get professional video services to help educate your potential customers, choosing the right focus for your videos is essential in driving conversions, managing expectations, and avoiding the rising cost of returns.

How Are They Qualified?

What are an influencer’s qualifications? Generally, the criteria for being an influencer is the number of followers they have. This does not mean, however, that they know anything about your product’s industry.

Experts, on the other hand, have formal education and expertise in their area of study and often have certifications. A professional chef will know more about using kitchenware than an influencer will. An influencer has reach, but an expert has knowledge, which is better for a how-to video.

What Is Their Role?

When you partner with a promotional video production company, what is the role of an influencer or expert in the videos? Influencers can help spark inspiration in potential customers and help drive awareness. They have reach, meaning you get better brand recognition in a wider audience.

Experts are ideal for driving product education and purchase confidence. Because they speak with authority and credibility, especially in the sea of misinformation that is the internet, they foster brand trust. This all helps to increase sales while managing expectations, which helps reduce the number of returns.

What Media Channels Do They Use?

Generally, influencers use social media as their channel of choice. That’s how they communicate with their followers, and it’s the best place to use influencers in marketing.

Experts, meanwhile, also use social media, but can be found on your home page, product pages, email marketing, digital marketing, in-app, and in-store advertising. Providing a QR code at the point of purchase means your customers can get a video with an expert explaining the product while they are shopping. With product review services, you can provide authentic, authoritative, qualified reviews by the expert on your home page or in email marketing. It’s an excellent way to connect with potential customers, showing you aren’t afraid of both pros and cons.

What Are Their Performance Metrics?

When you use influencers in your video, you are likely basing metrics on impressions and engagements.

Experts, on the other hand, are judged by time on site, conversions, CPV, ROAS, and reduction in returns. They both have very different uses and results in videos.

When Should You Use Both?

There is nothing stopping you from using one or the other, but videos with both an influencer and an expert give you the benefits of both with nearly no downsides. The expert can teach the influencer about your product, with the influencer acting as a customer surrogate. The influencer posts this video on their social media, extending the reach of the video while the expert’s knowledge hits a wider customer base.

About The Desire Company

The Desire Company is poised to help your brand move beyond the standard product endorsements by celebrities, paid influencers, and fake experts. A crucial aspect of building genuine brand loyalty is establishing trust with potential consumers. In today’s digital marketplace, brand loyalty and trust are essential for success. With the FTC cracking down on fake reviews and the declining influence of celebrities and paid influencers, consumers are showing that they value helpful feedback and honest advice from reputable sources more than ever. More than just a video production company or creative agency, The Desire Company serves as a comprehensive product education platform. The team matches your products with their Pro Community, utilizing content strategy, expert vetting, video embed technology, and multi-channel media distribution to inform, not influence.

Get paired with an expert for creative video content at https://brands.thedesirecompany.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3X9dFsX

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