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Getting your employees to take better care of themselves, whether it’s eating healthier, exercising more, or quitting smoking, can result in several positive outcomes for the company. For example, you may see decreases in health insurance premiums, reductions in sick days taken by employees, and even decreases in productivity lost due to employee illness. One way to encourage this kind of wellness is through an employee wellness program, which rewards your employees with discounts or prizes if they regularly participate in healthy activities.

Here are 5 reasons why such a program can be beneficial to your business.

1) Improved Employee Health
Employee wellness programs can be beneficial to both your employees and your organization. This is due to lower medical costs, less time away from work, improved morale, and higher productivity. To achieve these results, employee monitoring software should be used. This allows companies to stay up-to-date on employee health trends without requiring in-person visits or phone calls. Employee monitoring software also helps eliminate concerns regarding privacy by allowing employers to monitor their employees’ data from a remote location.

2) Reduced Absenteeism
A good employee wellness program can help employees feel less stress and more positive about their workplace, both of which can contribute to higher productivity. Taking steps like having regular check-ins with human resources staff or letting employees know about available wellness programs like flu shots can make a big difference in how often employees call out sick. (Here’s how to create a workplace wellness program for your company.) An employee monitoring software is also useful to track a company’s employee attendance and activity.

3) Reduced Healthcare Costs
Employee wellness programs that encourage a healthy workplace can also cut costs in other ways, such as reduced healthcare costs. A healthier employee is more productive, meaning they’re less likely to take sick days or call out of work. This results in cost savings and fewer missed opportunities. It also allows employees to focus better on their work; a clear mind allows for higher-quality work product. A recent study found that employee wellness programs can save as much as $3 for every dollar spent!

4) Improved Morale
It’s no secret that being overweight or otherwise unhealthy can bring down morale at work. Many companies have invested in employee monitoring software to keep tabs on workers’ weight and overall health. In doing so, they’ve discovered that many of their employees were living lifestyles outside of workplace wellness programs—and were surprised to see how much of an impact even small changes could make.

5) Increased Productivity
When employee monitoring software is used, it allows employers to see exactly how their employees spend their time and resources during work hours. This technology can also be combined with workplace wellness programs in order to encourage employees to increase their productivity by reducing stress and illness within their lifestyle. It’s a win-win situation for both employees and employers.

Workplace wellness programs can be a great way to boost individual productivity, employee retention and corporate culture. To get started, think about what your objectives are, who will benefit from such a program and how it fits into your overall strategy. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to creating a workplace wellness program. You need to make sure that your needs align with each other as well as with corporate goals.

SOURCE: 5 Ways Employee Wellness Programs Can Boost Individual Productivity


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