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5 Smart Email Marketing Tactics For College Student Email List

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College students make up a large portion of the population and are a favorite target for brands and marketers due to their increased spending power and susceptibility to marketing. However, reaching out to them can be tricky.

Build A Quality College Student Email List

College students are a favorite target for brands and marketers. This year, the average age of an 18-year-old college student is 27, and they have increased spending power to match their experience level. They're also more susceptible to marketing than any other demographic group because they're still in school and don't have anything else going on besides schoolwork.

College students are a great demographic for email marketing because they're young, tech-savvy, and open to new ideas—and you can use your emails as an educational tool that guides them toward making healthy lifestyle choices (like eating right). But how do you build an effective college student email list?

Send Emails At The Right Time

When it comes to email marketing, timing is everything.

Email marketing is no different from any other form of online advertising—you want to send emails at the right time in order to maximize open rates, clickthrough rates, and conversions. The most common mistake marketers make when sending out their emails is sending them too frequently or too infrequently. If you send an email every day without fail but aren't getting any clicks back on your landing page or sales funnel then chances are there's an issue somewhere else in your marketing strategy that needs addressing before you can optimize these areas further down the line.

The best way to find out what works best for your audience is by testing different times throughout each week (or month). This can involve anything from sending out one specific message during lunch hour versus another message later in the evening after dinner; experimenting with different subject lines; changing where they appear on their screens compared with where they would normally be seen due -to privacy settings etc.

Get Your Subject Lines Right

A good subject line is short and concise, but descriptive. If you're promoting an event or offering a discount or offer, use that in the subject line. For example:

  • “Get your tickets before they sell out!”
  • “Join us for our next tasting event!”
  • “Join us on Wednesday to celebrate our new location!”

Provide Unique And Exciting Offers

Email offers are a great way to get your emails opened and read. Offering something unique and exciting will help you stand out from the crowd, which in turn can increase your list of signups.

Here are some ideas:

  • Offer a discount on the first purchase. If you have an offer that is only available to new subscribers, make sure to include it in your subject line as well as within the body of the email so people know what they're getting when they open it up! This tactic has worked really well for me at least once per month by giving away free stuff like t-shirts or stickers which I've been able to sell for profit later on down the road (and hopefully build some brand loyalty).
  • Offer free products/services for signing up. If someone signs up through one of my emails but doesn't end up making any purchases from my store (or even just opens up one product), I'll offer them something else related such as access to my VIP group where we can talk about our favorite books/movies, etc… It's all about giving value back!

Personalize Your Messages

Personalizing your emails is key to making them more effective.

  • Use a name in the email. If you know who the recipient is, it will help them feel like they're getting personalized attention from you, as opposed to hundreds of other emails that just have different subject lines and no personalization at all.
  • Use their interests or passions for inspiration when creating your subject lines and copy style (e.g., using “sports” instead of “baseball”). This way, if they click through on one of those sports-related emails from yours and find yourself pleasantly surprised by how much thought went into crafting it—and how fun reading it was—you've got another reason why they should come back! And if nothing else works? It's still better than nothing at all.

A college student is a favorite target for brands and marketers due to their increased spending power and susceptibility to marketing. However, reaching out to them can be tricky.

A college student is a favorite target for brands and marketers due to their increased spending power, susceptibility to marketing, and the fact that they're more likely to buy things that are related to their major. However, reaching out to them can be tricky.

College students have busy schedules with classes, extracurricular activities, homework, and other responsibilities that may not leave them much time for marketing campaigns. In addition to this busy schedule, many colleges have strict policies regarding email marketing campaigns (e.g., only sending promotional emails during certain times of the day or within certain days of the week). This makes it even harder for marketers who want access to these groups without having any legal issues arise from sending too much mail across campus boundaries.


College students are an important segment of the market for marketers, and their email addresses can be used to generate leads and build relationships with them. However, getting them to open your emails depends on a lot more than just sending good content or offering a great deal. To avoid missing out on these potential customers, you need to take into consideration their personal preferences when crafting your marketing messages.


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