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Whether we like it or not, social media is a massive chunk of our current culture. Skincare has always been right at the center of everything social media. So, it's not surprising that some faulty information and bad advice is being spread like wildfire. But luckily, you don't have to fall into the trap of bad skincare. Check out these five social media skincare trends to avoid and how you can practice healthy skincare in their place.

Any DIY Skincare Products

First of all, you should never trust those at-home skincare “hacks” and products. The truth is that good skincare is formulated by professionals in a sterile environment, and you just can't replicate that at home. You never know which home ingredients could irritate your skin or cause a reaction because most home ingredients aren't meant to go on your face. For example, using toothpaste to treat acne blemishes can really irritate your skin and make your breakouts worse than before. Stick to professional acne lotion for great results.

At-Home Microneedling with Makeup

One particularly troubling trend is at-home microneedling with makeup. The idea behind this is that you'll get semi-permanent makeup. However, we have to recommend against this trend. You can cause serious skin infections, irritations, and even create permanent scarring. Makeup is designed to be put on at the start of the day and washed away at the end. Let's keep it that way.

Peel Masks

We have all seen those slightly gross and semi-satisfying peel masks that supposedly clear your pores. But you might want to think twice about it if you have sensitive skin. People with sensitive skin, rosacea, and acne often have adverse reactions to these kinds of masks. If you want to clear your pores, try salicylic acid cream from a professional skincare company. It can help clear out your pores and prevent new blemishes from forming.

Sunscreen Contouring

Yes, this is precisely what it sounds like. Sunscreen contouring is when you only apply sun protection to the areas of your face that you want highlighted. Then, a tan will naturally contour your face. This is a bad idea all around. Not only are you damaging your skin that hasn't been protected, you risk your complexion looking uneven. Use your sunscreen the way it's meant to be used–all over your face. And leave the contouring to your highlighter.

Elaborate Daily Skincare Routines

It's very common to see social media influencers with long, extravagant skincare routines. However, if you're using several different products and tools just to complete your routine, you might be overdoing it. The most important thing to remember about creating the perfect skincare routine is getting the products you know will work with your skin, whether it's skincare with retinol, acne prevention, or hydration. Stick to what works for your skin, and don't be fooled by an elaborate routine.

About IMAGE Skincare®

Complexions can be complicated. IMAGE Skincare® takes all the guesswork out of finding the right professional skincare products for you. IMAGE Skincare was started by a talented esthetician and refined by plastic surgeons to ensure you get the most nourishing and effective products for your skin type and concern. At the heart of every formula, you’ll find proven ingredients and ground-breaking research aimed at targeting your biggest skincare concerns. You can always trust IMAGE Skincare’s skincare professionals, innovative botanicals, and results-first technology to deliver the highest quality products no matter what. With the online regimen finder, you’re only a few clicks away from finding your dream routine.

Find the skincare products that really work for you at https://imageskincare.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3SLJPse

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