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Evoking thoughts of spring while we’re still in the middle of January gloom might seem odd in some ways, but any responsible small business needs to be forward-thinking. Among other things, that means accounting for the changing of the seasons, and the implications it could have for marketing. 

So, we decided that for today’s blog post, we would throw ourselves into five ways in which your small firm could ‘spring-ify’ its marketing in readiness for March and April 2023. 


Incorporate spring-cleaning themes into your marketing 


Along with the lightening skies and longer days, as well as the festival of Easter, people tend to associate the spring with ‘spring cleaning’. And of course, if your business sells cleaning or DIY products, it makes a lot of sense to place those prominently in your marketing campaigns for the coming months. 

Otherwise, you might embrace the ‘spring cleaning’ theme in your business’s marketing in other ways. 

You might, for instance, write blog posts advising your customers on how they can ‘spring clean’ various aspects of their lives, or your marketing could focus on items – such as stationery – that may help your customers to lead ‘cleaner’, tidier lives at home or in the office. 


Have an ‘Easter egg hunt’ in your store 


This one is likely to be especially relevant to those of you who have a brick-and-mortar retail presence, although you might be tempted to have a virtual version of some kind on your ecommerce site. 

And of course, you can connect any offline “Easter egg hunt” to your online presence by promoting it on your small firm’s main website and social media channels. 

But what exactly do we mean by “Easter egg hunt” in this context? Well, we’re talking about something as potentially simple as having Easter eggs hidden away on the shelves of your store. 

Let your customers know what to look for, and if they do find the ‘hidden’ item, they could win a prize from you, such as one of your usual in-store products, or even a sizeable discount on anything in your shop. 


Evoke thoughts of spring with our coloured shredded papers 


Although there isn’t just one colour that is inherently ‘spring-like’, a lot of people do associate this time of year with a softer palette than other seasons – think subtle pastel hues, and perhaps floral imagery. 

Then, think of something that your small business needs to use anyway if it regularly packages and delivers goods to customers: protective packaging. 

Rather than using the same old plain tissue paper, discarded newspaper, or bubble wrap, why not give your customer a pleasant surprise when they open the box from you, in the form of tastefully-hued shredded paper protecting their item? 

Our spring collection has just been added to our website, and offers great-quality and excellent-value shredded kraft paper for gifts, hampers, and other online orders that people might make from you this season. 


Hold an outdoor event to spread the word about your brand 


Spring is not the most predictable of seasons when it comes to outdoor conditions in the UK – and in any case, this particular tip might be more relevant to some of you than it is to others. 

Nonetheless, there’s no denying that the spring can be an opportune time to take a business out into the open air in some way – even if that just amounts to your otherwise eBay-based business having a presence at a market or car boot sale. 


Having a specific spring event or two to promote could also give you an obvious excuse to ‘spring-ify’ your website, social media pages, and Google Business Profile listing – for example, by incorporating spring-ish colours into your company logo or photography. 


Play around with some spring-themed hashtags 


There isn’t a time of year when you shouldn’t be using hashtags to help promote your brand on social media. However, if you can come up with a few that link into spring in some way, this could be great for spreading the word about your brand to people beyond your current social followers. 


Don’t be afraid to use your imagination, but also be sure to check first how your intended hashtags are being used on social media already (especially if there might be some scope for your hashtags to be controversial or misinterpreted). Relatively ‘safe’ options for spring hashtags include the likes of #springishere, #springcleaning, and #springbreak. 


There you go – five ways in which you could start injecting some of the joy of spring into your small business’s marketing over the coming months. And don’t forget that if you want a great deal on high-quality shredded kraft paper for gifts, ecommerce orders, hampers, and much more, Shredded-Paper.co.uk is now offering exactly that in our online store.