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Routine dental care appointments are important to maintain your dental health. It becomes more important in the case of kids. Early detection can help find cavities and various kinds of orthodontic issues. It can help prevent the progression of more severe conditions. But some children fear dentists. There could be plenty of reasons which can originate from poor experiences or anxiety from family members.

What is Dental Anxiety?

It's normal for kids to feel a little apprehensive about going to the dentist. However, for some children, the fear is much stronger. Dental anxiety refers to a fear of visiting the dentist or receiving dental care. Symptoms may include crying, screaming, or acting out when going for a dental exam.

Why Are Some Kids Afraid of the Dentist?

While every child is different, most dental anxiety stems from a fear of pain, discomfort, or loss of control. Common sources of fear include:

  • Shots and injections 
  • Loud, vibrating dental tools
  • Being examined 
  • Laying in a tilted chair can make kids feel unsafe
  • White coats and unfamiliar dental staff can seem intimidating.

5 strategies to ease dental anxiety in children:

It's normal for children to feel some anxiety about going to the dentist. However, for those with dental phobia, the fear can lead to tears, avoidance, and negative health outcomes. As a parent, you can employ strategies to help ease your child's dental worries.

  1. Use books and videos to explain procedures

Reading books and watching kid-friendly videos about dental visits teaches your child what to expect. Visuals help make the unknown less intimidating. Choose fun titles that portray dentistry positively.

  1. Schedule an introductory visit

Set up a get-to-know-you appointment where your child explores the dental office, meets staff, and sits in the chair. Allow them to observe your exam to realize it's painless. Initial exposure helps take the scariness out of the dentist.

Connect with Versailles Dental Clinic in Dubai if you want a professional team to help your children overcome their fears related to dental issues. We have years of experience in treating the kids and bringing back their smiles. 

  1. Provide distractions during appointments

Let anxious kids bring books, toys, electronics or music to focus on instead of the dental procedures. The dentist may even allow headphones to listen to tunes and drown out noises. 

  1. Praise bravery and reward with treats

Lavish your child with praise for their courage before/after visits. Give small prizes like stickers or their favorite snack as positive reinforcement. This helps build up dentist trips as an achievement.

  1. Consider sedation dentistry

For severe anxiety, discuss sedation options with your pediatric dentist. Laughing gas or oral sedation can relax kids during cleanings and prevent traumatic experiences that trigger more fear.


You can transform dentist anxiety into a feeling of accomplishment with empathy and preparation. You need to pay attention to cues from your child, as their fears won't disappear overnight. But with consistency, you can guide them toward healthier oral habits.

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