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Employees are the assets of any company. When you’re hiring, finding the right people is extremely important but the task doesn’t end here, it’s equally important to keep your assets satisfied and productive. Many researchers have claimed that more than 25% of new employees switch companies within a year. 
If your company is facing the same issue, you need to improvise your onboarding process and provide better experiences to your employees. Especially, if you are a software development company based in Chicago, finding the right talent could be a tedious task. So, if you find great developers for your company, make sure you don’t lose them easily.
At Cloudester, we have a team of outstanding software professionals and 80% of them have stayed with us since the beginning. We have been successful in building an employee-friendly culture in our software development company. That’s why we thought to share these fruitful tips with you! Hope you’d love them and implement them in your custom software development servics too.
To help you out, we’ve highlighted 5 best practices to help you streamline your remote onboarding process for new developers.

#1. Try Pre-boarding

As mentioned above, hiring is quite challenging and requires a lot of effort and analytical capabilities. However, it’s still not a complete deal. Chances are your hired employees are always looking for other better opportunities before they can join you officially.
In such a situation, pre-boarding helps to ensure that they choose to stay with you. It starts when your new developers formally accept your job letter and ends up joining the office. 
You can send them a welcoming email, announce their onboarding on social media platforms, introduce them to your existing employees, and give a brief understanding of their tasks and responsibilities in your software development company. It will help them get ready for the first day of joining.
Once they get to know about the welcoming environment of your company and positive working culture, they won’t prefer to leave.

#2. Pair Them with Existing Employees

When new developers join your software development company Chicago, there will be a lot of information to process, the anxiety level will be higher, and much more. 
A great way to combat these challenges is to pair them up with one of your existing employees, just like the ‘buddy system’. This employee can help new joinee to better understand the work culture, company’s rules, work responsibilities, etc. 
It’s a great way to ease the recruits into the workflow and bring them to full productivity in less time.

#3. Ask Them for Tools They Need & Get It Ready

Before your new developers arrive, it’s nice to ask them about the tools they might require while working in your software development company. Get all the tools ready in advance, so your developers can hit the ground running with their first tasks.
You can also send some fun, professional, and personalized welcome kits to your new developers before they officially onboard your company. 

#4. Make Them Feel Welcomed from Day One

The first day of work is undoubtedly hard as well as exciting. New job, new people, new culture, no familiar faces, loads of new things to learn, and much more!
However, it doesn’t have to be like that! Make your developers feel welcome in your software development company from day one. Include them in the team meetings and introduce them to everyone, get them acquainted with the projects they’ll be working on, and give them a brief understanding of your company’s working environment.
Although it can be a bit tricky to organize a warm welcome for remote workers, effective communication and interaction can fix everything.

#5. Assign them Crucial Tasks

Ones who are truly talented would love to work from day one and showcase what they’ve got. So, make sure you don’t feel your new joinees ‘useless’ on the first day. Assign them some meaningful tasks best suited to their job profile and praise them for their work.
This motivates your employees to work even better.


You must have heard this phrase many times – ‘First impression is the last impression’. Well, that’s true! To ensure that your employees and your assets always stay loyal to your company, it’s important to provide them with an environment where they feel the most alive. 
Good onboarding can ensure that the half work is done already. The rest depends on how well your developers and your software development company can stay collaborated.
For any tips and guidance, you can always connect with us!
Original Source:- https://bit.ly/43ZcUUj