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Does it just seem as though – try as you might – you have a room in your house that is too open and feels bare and cold?

It makes no sense to renovate and add in a permanent wall, does it? Not to mention that is likely cost-prohibitive.

The good news is you don’t have to. With just these five tips, you can make a space feel more private, intimate, and cozier.

Rearrange the Furniture
Your room might feel big and bare because the furniture is spread too thin or situated too far apart.

Instead of having couches and seating spread along the walls or in corners, move them closer to each other. Make an “L” arrangement with two sofas instead of a linear one, or situate them so they face each other.

This creates a more intimate setting and shrinks the physical space between occupants of the room.

Invest in Room Dividers
Don’t want to shuffle your furniture around? Maybe you just need to close out a large, open space that makes it feel too sparse.

You can easily accomplish this with a room divider. Simply get one and use it to close off areas of the room that are not typically occupied.

You can also use them to create faux “walls” behind or around seating that will close them in and make them feel cozier.

(Plus, room dividers can also be used to create cozy nooks or close off areas that are cluttered – they actually have lots of additional practical uses.)

No Room Dividers? No Problem – How About Tall Planter Boxes for Privacy?
Going for a more natural, even wild approach? Consider tall planter boxes for privacy!

You can use tall planter boxes for privacy (such as behind a couch or desk) or simply to re-section a room.

The best part of using interior planters instead of room dividers is that they are so functional. Plus, when you bring plants inside, you can reap the other benefits, too.

Plants regulate humidity, temperature, and volume, release oxygen into the air, and most importantly, filter out VOCs and other toxins.

We recommend checking out the planters at PotsPlantersandMore.com. They carry a wide range of indoor and outdoor fiberglass planters in a huge assortment of styles, colors, and sizes. There’s something there for you!

(Plus, they also carry home garden planters with drainage holes, so you can use them outside as well – even outfit the planter box with a trellis for climbing plants!)

Change the Color Temperature of the Lighting
Lighting also goes a long way toward making a space feel open and cold, or close, inviting, and intimate.

If you use a lot of harsh blues, whites, or other interior lightings that throw a cool color temperature, it’s time to change that. Swap them out for warm, yellow light bulbs. Consider Edison bulbs – they offer a warm, ambient glow that’s perfect for both mood lighting and area illumination.

While you’re at it, switch over to LEDs, which are far more energy efficient than incandescent bulbs and last longer, too!

Remember, all things considered, a slightly darker space will feel cozier than a brighter one.

Take Control of Window Space
Finally, keep in mind that while windows can offer spectacular views and improve the value of a setting – when the focus is on the company, windows make a space feel open and exposed.

That doesn’t mean windows are bad. It just means you have to be sensitive to the setting. Get some heavy curtains in a warm, dark color like amber or burgundy (assuming that works with your interior color scheme, of course) and flank the windows with them.

If you ever need to create a warmer interior atmosphere, simply turn on your warm lighting and draw the shades!

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