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Jewellery shopping is all about split-second decisions where a customer likes something and instantly wants to buy it. But is the decision to own a certain kind of jewellery can only be taken by the buyer alone? Experts of Wholesale Diamond Jewelry say that with the right approach, even a shop owner and jeweller can influence a buyer’s decision. In order to do that, you have to think from the perspective of a buyer.

A buyer looks for things that look blingy or match their style, while also looking for things that stand out for them. In order to do that, you will need to make a few changes in your shop and in your approach to customers. This article discusses quick tips for improving your jewellery store in order to boost your sales.

Jewellery Store Tips For Influencing Buyers

  • Rotation

Stock Rotation is one of the most important ways to influence jewellery as it tells regular customers that you have a fast-moving stock in your shop. It gives the customer an idea of seeing something new every time they walk into your store. When you have created that impression, people are more likely to notice the displayed pieces and show an urge to buy from that.

  • Lighting

One of the most important aspects of any jewellery store is the lighting of the place. While a dimly lit jewellery store is not something that you may have ever seen, a properly lit store is the one that shoppers mostly prefer. According to the top 10 jewellery manufacturers, the glint and gleam of the jewellery can only be experienced in the correct light, which is why a strategic placement of light is important. Especially with gemstones, the play of light is extremely important.

  • Mirrors

While this is a no brainer, mirrors are highly important to the display and to the people trying on a piece of jewellery. Plus, mirrors are reflective, which allows them to reflect more light on the jewellery.

  • Jewellery Expert

Getting a jewellery expert on board is a great way to boost your sales as they bring invaluable insight into every piece of jewellery that your store has on display. A jewellery expert will be able to give better suggestions on what jewellery would look better on the buyer as an honest opinion.

  • Window Display

More than anything, a heat turning window display will bring more customers into the shop than anything else. People most often judge the book by its cover and check the shop for the display before walking into the shop. So why not keep a display that makes people want to come inside and enquire about your jewellery. Sometimes more footfall can also mean more conversion.

Jewellery shopping is all about influence, whether it is from the jewellery or from the jeweller. If you have the option of influencing their decision while also giving the best deal they can get, why not take it?