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Still mastering the mechanics of your golf swing? Looking for a way to hone your game even further? Do you wish you could get more distance on your shots? All of these can be improved by working on your shoulder movement. Yes, your shoulders.

By perfecting the shoulder mechanics of your swing, you can take your game to the next level. Suddenly, your shots with drivers and fairway woods will feel much stronger and smoother. Here are a few tips to keep in mind to help elevate your game.

Turn, Don’t Tilt

A lot of golfers tend to fake their way through shoulder movement. Instead of using their shoulders to build power, they tilt their spine on the backswing. When you do this, you’re relying entirely on your arms for strength and losing accuracy because your posture is out of balance.

So, instead of tilting your spine, turn your shoulders. At the end of your backswing, your chest should be facing backward with your shoulders perpendicular to the ball. Complete the rest of your swing in slow motion until you get a feel for turning your shoulders without tilting your spine.

Rotate Your Hips, and Your Shoulders Will Follow

You don’t have to have gymnast-level flexibility to increase the range of motion in your shoulders. All you have to do is get your whole body involved in your swing.

A tip that can help is focusing on your hips. Just by moving your hips, it can feel easier to turn your shoulders, and you get more full-body muscles involved in your swing. Let your hips work with your shoulders and experience the difference it makes.

Front Shoulder Down, Back Shoulder Up

To get a good angle on your swing and maintain the proper planes of motion, your shoulders are going to angle as they rotate. Your goal should be a downward angle, with your lead shoulder pointing slightly down at the top of your backswing while your back shoulder points up.

If there were a straight line connecting your shoulders, that line would point toward the ball. That way, you aim all the force you’ve generated in the right direction.

Pull Your Club on the Backswing

A common source of shoulder problems is the movement of your club during your backswing. If you start your motion by pushing the club across your body with your lead arm, it’s hard to get your shoulders to turn smoothly.

Instead, make a concerted effort to pull the club back, starting with your rear shoulder. Not only will this naturally lead to a turn, but it will also get stronger muscles involved that can help you generate more power every time you swing your golf drivers.

Even Out Your Shoulders on the Downswing

As you start your downswing, you want to keep your shoulders involved and moving. This is the part of the swing where you need to square up and bring your shoulders back to parallel with the target line.

Essentially, do everything in reverse. Drop your back shoulder level with your front, rotate your hips and shoulders forward, and face your chest towards the ball as you make contact. The motion of bringing your shoulders back to their initial position at the address helps you make contact with the ball exactly where you want to.

Practice these tips every time you hit with your drivers and woods at the driving range, and watch as your performance gets better and better.

About PXG

Ultimate performance. Superior forgiveness. A sweet spot the size of Texas. These are just a few of the things you can expect from PXG golf clubs. These high-tech, aesthetically pleasing clubs not only look great on the course but also help you perform to the best of your abilities. From hybrid golf clubs with a high-speed face to golf wedges that feature high toe weighting, PXG makes sure every one of their clubs is ready to perform. They continue to refine their designs to be the best in the business. Plus, they offer custom golf clubs and fitting services at the best golf store Houston, Chicago, and other cities have to offer. If you want to elevate your game on the course, there’s no better choice than PXG.

Now that you’ve mastered shoulder movement get clubs that add even more distance at https://www.pxg.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3uvr4iH

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