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Definitely, removing your makeup is not a thing of a few minutes, as there are a lot of things to get rid of after a tiring party. Many women struggle with makeup removal as they do not know the step-by-step routine of doing so. But don’t worry ladies, we are here to help you out so that you can easily and quickly get a makeup-free face. Read on.

5 Tips To Remove Makeup Easily & Quickly

Begin With Facial Wipes

Confused about whether you should use facial wipes or not in order to remove makeup? Well, here is our green signal. Facial wipes such as kleenowipe wipes work much better than soap and water. They are capable of removing stubborn makeup materials, lip colors, and even eye makeup to a great extent. 

Clean With Makeup Removal Cleanser

If you have a cleanser to remove makeup, use it thereafter to get a complete makeup removal. Many women, who don’t believe in facial wipes, use only cleansers. There are cleansers for both dry and oily skin, hence, you wouldn’t have to worry much. 

Carefully Cleanse Your Eyelids

When it comes to cleaning your eyelids, make sure to remove your lenses, if you have any. Lenses by Olens are pretty easy to remove and store, so if you’re having them in your kit, the makeup removal process can get a bit more comfortable.

Cleanse your hairline by tying your hair back

Before you cleanse your hairline either with a facial wipe, cleanser, or cleansing oil, make sure to tie your hair first. This will prevent cleanser or cleaning solutions from affecting your front hair. 

Apply Moisturizer

And when you are done with the cleaning, moisturize your face with your routine moisturizer. Apply it around your face, including your eyes and neck. Also, apply lip balm once you have properly wiped your lip color. You can even use a little eye cream before you sleep.

Bottom Line

Makeup removal can get quick and easy when you use the right things in the right sequence. Use the above tips to do it in the most effective manner. Visit Recode Studio to find makeup and makeup removal products and also to get beauty tips.
