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The introduction of your topic is not something you can write quickly. It must be engaging and interact with the readers. If this section can hold the audience for long enough, they get interested in reading the other parts. However, your project lacks the ability to drive them away from other works and bring them to your work. Due to this lack of knowledge, you fail to deliver the appropriate task and seek coursework help from experts to remedy it. However, asking them to write your project is not the correct method of taking assistance.

Why? That is because you never cope with the absence of knowledge. You just change your lane for a small moment. Though you get back on the same track, even after getting help from an expert, you remain in darkness. Then can you point out the use of this query? You cannot because you have not overcome the problem. Your introduction lacks the ability to hold the readers on your document, so it shows that you never progressed. The writing part requires evolving after a while, or it may rot and lose its chance of recovering.

Hence, this article provides information on the elements of “attention seekers” that help you improve your starting. So, study about them with concentration.


5+ Ultimate Attention Seekers for Introduction

Writing an interactive introduction is never easy. Even the best writers struggle with that. However, it does not mean that it is an unachievable feat, as there are ways to activate it in your content. Since you are unaware of them, your introduction lacks the ability to take attention from the audience.

That is why you opt to take assignment help because you cannot draft the opening accurately. So, the following sub-heads cover the attention seekers for your introduction:


Begin with an Influential Question:

Giving a normal opening that is on repeat does not grab attention. The audience needs something extra to stay on the topic. So, you can add attention seekers to your opening, and the first on the list is starting with an influential question. Every reader has a query in their brain, and they seek answers in the write-ups you prepare. Understand this through this example. Before you write the project, you also have questions, and the material that answers becomes your choice. So, start with the question so the reader can relate it and find your work captivating.

Stage It with Humorous Statement:

Everybody likes to laugh. Even though some say that Hitler was not the one, he must share some good gags in a closed room. It is a universal aspect, and one must not avoid it for the sake of work. Some of the published materials involve humour, and it helps them to stage the mood. It is a sign of brilliance writing because someone taking the seriousness out of the topic and getting it back is a man with a genius mind. That is why, when you write a coursework and have nothing on your brain, come up with a light-hearted joke.

Disclose a Lesser-known Information:

You get curious when you hear that a new product launched in the market. This curiosity leads to increases in sales, so make this your weapon. You must generate a curiosity feature in your opening, or it cannot hold the readers. For that, attention seekers are the preferred choice, and you can use one that helps to add this feature. It is introducing the topic with a lesser-known fact that relates to it. When you start with such an attribute, the readers observe your intellectual level. Moreover, they trust that your content is full of informational points.

Present Narration on a Relevant Story:

The art of story telling is an aspect that shows the creativity of the writer. It is about how you can bring a character to life and attach it to the topic is another form of writing. This skill may require more creative aspects, yet you can make this in a form of introducing the subject. For instance, you have to write about the rising effect of global warming. So, you begin with the general tone which is the repeated form of introduction. However, if your topic starts with a story that explains the effects, you have won already. Thus, when you engage a tale in your introductory part, you develop an emotional aspect that connects the readers.

Include Visual Features in the Start:

If the statement is, “A horrifying accident occurred at a place.” gives no emotion. However, if there is a picture demonstrating the event instead of a line, what is your reaction then? You will be devastated. Thus, the beginning of the document containing images and other visual elements depicts the topic better. You do know that what words cannot express, an image can. Thus, in your introduction, adding this element gives an evolved understanding of the phenomenon. Moreover, you do not have to write much for the explanation as you present your views through a picture.

Add Quote of a Famous Personality:

There are many names that the world public is quite familiar with. Their work and involvement catch the eyes of the readers, so why not make some use of it? When you begin with the subject to them, you must learn that adding their names gives weightage to your texts. Moreover, it exhibits assurance to the audience that your work is reliable. So, they read the content and find all the information you deliver. Also, it shows that your research is complete.



Writing an introduction is a piece of art that many of you cannot learn, even after many attempts. Therefore, your document lacks the attractiveness necessary to hook the readers. So, you ask for coursework help from experts to activate this feature. Though you did not learn it yourself, you face this problem again. So, this article discusses attention seekers, which you must study and apply.