1. Email Marketing

5 Ways to Build an Email List

Emails remain the most efficient channel to contact all of your current and potential clients, but it's also a practical approach to strengthen relationships with your subscribers.

As a result, an email list is a vital asset for every marketer to share the brand's story. If you still need to get a high-converting email list, today's guide will give you everything you need to get started.

Why do you need an email list?

An email list is more than a contact database; it's a list of people interested in your business who want to know your next steps.

If you love stats and numbers:

According to Statista, every day in 2020, we had 306 billion emails sent and received globally. In 2025, this number is projected to rise to over 376 billion daily emails. If you still need convincing, consider that search and social media have lower conversion rates than email marketing.

Therefore, email marketing remains the optimal channel to stay in touch with existing clients and potential prospects while driving sales and increasing customer loyalty. But to reap the benefits of email marketing, you need to build a solid email list, so without further ado, let’s explore the top ways to build one.

How to Build the Best Email List?

Leverage signup forms and pop-ups

One of the easiest and non-intrusive tactics for obtaining leads is through embedded signup forms, which are usually placed as headers, footers, and sidebars on high-traffic pages.

Lead generation forms act as a gentle reminder for visitors to signup for additional content, and in most cases, they work in tandem with pop-up forms. Pop-ups are more intrusive in most cases and work better if you offer an incentive.

An incentive can be a special offer, a discount, or any other gesture that could persuade a visitor to convert into a subscriber. The most popular pop-ups are:

  • Welcome pop-ups
  • Exit-intent pop-ups
  • Promotional pop-ups
  • Timed Pop up forms

Create landing pages

A landing page can help with different goals and purposes. However, it remains one of the most effective ways to capture leads and build a solid email list. 

Setting multiple landing pages can be a massive advantage for your brand in collecting visitors' information. You can also connect each page with your main homepage to reduce bounce rates and improve conversions.

Your landing page could have videos or animations with tips to help readers understand the benefits of your brand. Another great tactic is to host webinars using a landing page to collect contact information.  

Here is an example of Moosend’s webinar on affiliate marketing.


Building an email list using landing pages is only possible by first creating value for your audience. Giving valuable information, educational tips, or entertaining content will help potential customers become subscribers. 

Offer content upgrades

A content upgrade, often known as a lead magnet, is a piece of curated material that a company may offer visitors in exchange for their email address. 

You need valuable blog posts to leverage content upgrades to their full potential. Crafting a blog is essential to drive traffic to your site and eventually convert readers into subscribers using a lead magnet.

For example, you can post a blog post and share additional content through a lead magnet. It could be a checklist of landing page design tips, a case study with a high-converting landing page, or even extra content on the same topic.

A content upgrade is crucial for every high-converting blog, but additional content should be unique and provide real value for those who opt-in with their email to grant access.

Leverage loyal customers and referral programs

Loyal customers and referral programs can also help a real estate business build an email list. Programs that offer rewards can encourage new subscribers or existing subscribers to promote your product or service, generating more lifetime value.

Use this loyal customer base as a list-building tool, make it simple to join, and give unique offers, such as access to specific features, gifts, events, and content. Once someone has entered, personalize the experience to get ahead of the game.

As a marketer, you need to create a product to sell, such as a course with specific tips or how to start with X or Y, for example. Once you have the product in place, the next step is to leverage this closed circle of people to promote it. Customers are more likely to embrace referrals from friends than hard sells from your marketing team.

A referral program fueled by your loyal customers is optional. Still, it can be a massive boost for your brand awareness, building a solid email list, and overall revenue for your company.

Pro Tip: Create a distribution strategy for promoting your referral program on your website, sending email newsletters about new referral prizes through a free email marketing service, and leveraging your email signature to advertise your referral program for more successful results.

Use social media to build your email list

Social media is also an efficient channel to increase website traffic and subscriber numbers. 

Adding a call-to-action to your social accounts is the simplest and most cost-effective strategy to promote your newsletter to your social media users. 

Giveaways and contests are other excellent strategies for increasing leads and creating an extensive email list. Guide your audience to sign up for your newsletter to participate and watch your email list grow to unprecedented numbers.

You can also use polls, quizzes, and Q&A features to increase user engagement on Instagram stories. With the new Instagram Link button, add your landing page and send traffic there for higher conversions.

Last but not least, social media offer a plethora of advertising opportunities. You can use Facebook ads, Twitter, or TikTok ads and create robust campaigns to capture email addresses and thus expand your email list.

The Takeaway

Having a brand is challenging; however, there are plenty of opportunities to grow a successful business using the right channels. A solid email list can help you convert potential leads into customers and create recurring revenue for your organization.

In this article, we covered multiple options for creating an email list. Sign-up forms, landing pages, and social media are some of them. You need to experiment with every strategy stated in this guide and understand what works best for your kind of business.

Try to deliver as much value for your audience as possible and create a long-term rapport that will transform them into your real estate business brand evangelists.

Until the next one, keep growing your email list.

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