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When you’re creating a skincare routine, you want to get the most out of the products as possible. You want the nutrients to sink as much as possible to be as effective as possible. Otherwise, what’s the point of using skin care serums or other products to help your skin? While the formulation of some products helps, there are a few other ways to help your skin absorb more of the products and get the full effect.

Why Is Skincare Absorption Essential?

Better absorption means it’s easier to make skin healthier while also making it smoother and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. For example, products with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) break down dead skin cells. Retinol and vitamin C skincare products also help with the delivery of key ingredients into your skin, while fatty acids replenish the skin’s barrier, helping to deliver active ingredients into deeper layers of the skin more efficiently.

Exfoliate Often

Exfoliating regularly, usually about two times each week, helps give your skincare products a fresh, blank canvas to work with. Not exfoliating means dead skin clogs your pores, making it much harder for your skin to absorb products. When you exfoliate, you make it much easier for your anti aging serum and moisturizer to penetrate deeper into your skin. You can physically exfoliate with a scrub, which is effective for all skin types, or use an exfoliating powder with natural enzymes to dissolve the “glue” of sebum and dead skin cells that block pores. However, exfoliating too much can damage the skin barrier, causing dryness and irritation.

Steam Your Face

Steam helps open your pores, making it easier for the skin to absorb products. It’s easy enough to apply a warm towel to your face, exposing your face to steam to dilate your pores. This allows them to release impurities and toxins, as well. Plus, it can cause blood vessels to dilate, too, increasing blood flow to your skin and delivering more oxygen and nutrients to skin cells.

Get Your Skin Damp

Similar to steaming your face, the water on your skin’s surface helps lock in moisture if you apply products to damp skin. This allows for better absorption. This is why moisturizing right after a shower makes your skin feel soft and smooth. Products can also evaporate on dry skin, wasting product before it is fully absorbed. Your skin should be damp, not wet, or you could dilute the product.

Apply in the Right Order

The order in which you apply your products matters. Vitamin E and retinol, for example, have smaller molecular weights, making them easier to absorb. Creams have ingredients with larger molecular weights, which won’t pass through the skin as easily; instead, they hang around skin cells. The first layer penetrates best, so use an active ingredient for your main skin concern first. Then, apply in order of density, going from thinnest to thickest. This is typically toner, serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen for day routines or creams or oils for night routines.

About IMAGE Skincare®

Complexions don’t need to be complicated. Creating the perfect skincare routine for your unique complexion can feel overwhelming, but IMAGE Skincare® helps take all the guesswork out of finding professional skincare products perfect for you. A talented esthetician started IMAGE Skincare to help ensure you get the most effective and nourishing products for every skin type and concern. You’ll find proven ingredients and ground-breaking research at the core of every formula, aimed at targeting your biggest skincare concerns. IMAGE Skincare’s clinically proven ingredients, skincare professionals, and results-first technology always deliver high-quality products. Use the online regimen finder, and you’re only a few clicks away from finding your ideal routine.

Find skincare products that absorb into your skin better at https://imageskincare.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3GNk3N4

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