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Rodents are the bane of most homeowners during the winter months. They can sneak into your house and chew on wires that could start a fire, or they can eat through insulation which will cause major drafts. Luckily, there are many ways to keep them out of your home!

Tips to Prevent Rodents in Your Home

  1. One of the best ways to prevent rodents from entering your home is to seal up any openings or cracks that they could potentially use to get inside. This includes gaps around doors and windows, as well as any cracks in the foundation or walls of your home. You can use caulk or weather-stripping to seal up these openings.
  2. Another way to prevent rodents from entering your home is to keep your yard clean and free of debris. Remove any piles of leaves, wood, or other materials that rodents could use for shelter. Keep your grass trimmed and maintain tidy landscaping.
  3. You should also avoid storing food items outdoors, as this can attract rodents to your property. Store all food in airtight containers inside your home. Do not leave pet food or bird seed out overnight, as this can also attract rodents.
  4. You can deter rodents by using rodent-repellent products around your home. These products are available at most hardware stores and can be placed around entry points, such as doors and windows.
  5. Finally, Rodents are a common problem, especially during the colder months. One of the best ways to keep them out of your home is to seal up any holes or cracks that they might be able to get through. If you have noticed a rodent infestation in your home, contact us today for professional rodent removal services.

Other tips to Keep the Rats Outside of Your Home

One of the best ways to keep rats and other rodents out of your home this winter is to make sure your home is sealed tight. Check for any cracks or holes on the outside of your home and seal them up with caulk or steel wool. You should also check around your doors and windows to make sure they are well-sealed. If you have any gaps, you can use weatherstripping to fill them in.

Another way to keep rodents out of your home is to eliminate their food sources. Rats and mice are attracted to homes that have food available. So, make sure you keep your food in tightly sealed containers and don't leave any crumbs or food scraps lying around. You should also clean up any spilled food right away.

You can also discourage rodents from coming into your home by using rodent repellents. These products emit a scent that rats and mice find offensive, so they will stay away from areas where they are used. You can find rodent repellents at most hardware stores or online.

Taking these steps will help to keep rodents out of your home this winter.

Using Containers to Store Food Properly

  1. One way to keep rodents out of your home is to use containers to store food properly. This means keeping food in airtight containers or in the fridge. If you have pet food, make sure it is in a container that rodents cannot get into.
  2. Another way to keep rodents out of your home is to seal up any cracks or holes that they could potentially get into. This includes cracks in the foundation, around windows and doors, and in any other areas where there are openings.
  3. You can also use rodent-proof containers for garbage and recycling. This will help to keep them from getting into your garbage and spreading diseases.
  4. You can try using natural repellents to keep rodents away from your home. Some essential oils, like peppermint oil, can be used as a natural repellent. You can also try using ultrasonic devices to deter rodents.

Tips for Disposing of Food Properly

One of the best ways to keep rodents out of your home this winter is to dispose of food properly. Rodents are attracted to food, so if you have food lying around, they will be sure to find it. To avoid attracting them, make sure to clean up any messes and crumbs right away. Put food away in airtight containers or in the fridge. And don’t forget to empty the garbage regularly.

Another way to deter rodents is to keep your home clean and clutter-free. Rodents like to hide in dark, cozy places. So if you have a lot of clutter in your home, it will give them more places to hide. Take some time to declutter your home and get rid of anything you don’t need. This will make it harder for rodents to find a place to hide and will make your home less inviting for them.


By following these tips, you can help keep rodents out of your home this winter. If you have any concerns about a rodent infestation in your home, be sure to contact a pest inspection service professional right away.


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