1. Health

6 Home Remedies For Viral Fever

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Every household has at least one person who gets symptoms like fever, cold, and cough whenever the seasons change. The most common diagnosis for this disease is viral fever, brought on by a viral infection. Viruses are tiny organisms that spread fast from one person to another.


Your immune system starts overdriving when contracting the viral flu or cold infection. It increases your body's warmth. As a result, making it is less inviting to the virus. For those with less severe symptoms, home treatments are frequently beneficial.

What Are The Signs Of A Viral Fever? 

A person's body typically maintains a temperature of 98.6°F (37°C). Fever is defined as a temperature that is higher than this. Fevers indicate that your body is battling a viral or bacterial infection. Any fever brought on by an underlying viral infection is called viral fever.


Humans are susceptible to contracting several viral diseases, including the flu and the common cold. Many viral infections result in a mild fever. However, certain viral illnesses, like dengue fever, can cause a rise in body temperature. Viral fever is brought on by viral infection. Viruses are tiny infectious organisms. They spread throughout the cells of your body and invade them. Your body's defence against a virus is a fever.

Symptoms Of Viral Fever 

The following are some typical signs of viral fever:

  • Chills
  • Sweating
  • Dehydration
  • Headache
  • Aches and pains in muscles
  • A sense of weakness
  • Reduced appetite


If you get sick frequently, get checked by a doctor and commit to a medical care plan/diet for a better and healthy life. 

Ways To Avoid Viral Fever

Viruses are frequently spread through eating, inhalation, insect bites, and bodily fluids. Here are some remedies for viral fever:


1. Wash Your Hands Thoroughly

Always thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water before swallowing anything. Make it a habit to wash your hands when you come inside from the outside. This is because hands frequently contact surfaces that may be home to viruses. Keeping your hands clean and avoiding a viral fever can help keep the virus at bay. Use a sanitiser if soap and water are not available.

2. Keep Distance From Sick People Directly

You could rapidly catch a viral infection if you are near someone ill. Keep a safe distance from someone ill to prevent contracting a viral fever. Since they have weakened immune systems and are more vulnerable to viral infection, children and the elderly should avoid contact with sick people.

3. Stay Away From Mosquitoes 

For example, certain viral fevers—like dengue fever—are spread by mosquito bites. To avoid mosquito bites, use mosquito netting and insect repellent. Make sure your kids use safe insect repellant or long-sleeved clothing. As the sun sets, you should also lock the doors and windows. Ensure no water pools in open spaces, as this might act as a mosquito breeding ground.

4. Put On A Mask

One of the simplest ways to contract a viral disease is by inhaling a virus in the air. Droplets of the virus enter the air when someone close to you coughs or sneezes and are easily inhaled. Put on a quality mask every time you walk outside, especially while visiting crowded areas.

5. Consume Wholesome, Hot Food

Make warm food consumption a habit to ward off viral fevers. High temperatures are not conducive to virus survival. Consequently, any food-borne transmission will be avoided if your meal is warm. Eat healthful meals to increase your immunity; ultimately, viruses will be fought off by your body's immune system.

6. Get Vaccinated

By receiving the required immunisations on time, many infections can be avoided. For instance, you can avoid catching the coronavirus by getting the COVID-19 vaccine. As a result, acquire all available flu vaccines to prevent viral fever


Best Natural Treatments For Viral Fever

Several actions can be taken, some of which are listed here, to lessen the consequences of viral fever.

1. Rest

Rest is essential for healing and lowering fever. Medication is only sometimes necessary, though. Getting enough sleep can also help to keep your immune system strong, enabling your body to fight off fever-producing diseases like the common cold or the flu. Call your doctor immediately if you get a severe headache, stiff neck, shortness of breath, or any other strange signs or symptoms along with your temperature.

2. Drink Enough Water 

Dehydration and fluid loss are side effects of fever. Drinking enough fluids is the most common recommendation for treating fever-producing illnesses like the flu. Water should be consumed in large quantities when you have a fever. You can also consume soft beverages like coconut water to stay hydrated and awake.

The Bottom Line 

Most of the time, a fever does not require medical care. But, taking over-the-counter medications can lower a person's body temperature and improve comfort. It is crucial to remember that some medicines are not suitable for kids under a certain age. Always speak with a doctor or chemist about the best treatments and dosages when administering medications to a child or baby.


A person or their child should see a doctor if they have a high or persistent fever that does not go away after treatment. Medical attention is required if a fever and more serious signs of illness are present.


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