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6 Popular Alternatives to Rain Gutters You’ll Be Surprised to Know About

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As rainwater gutters are an integral part of a property, they need to be maintained properly to avoid clogging. However, if you are frustrated because of the frequent clogging of drains, you should be happy to know that there are several gutter alternatives that can help you serve the same purpose.

Clogging is a major issue with rain gutters. In most cases, dry leaves, dust, and debris accumulate in the gutter, thereby blocking the free flow of wastewater from the drain pipe. This not only hampers the functioning of the gutter but also does structural damage to the property. So, it is necessary to ensure proper and timely cleaning of the gutters. However, it is also true that not every homeowner has enough time and money to clean the gutter at frequent intervals. This is where considering various gutter alternatives seems to be a great idea.

So, here are 6 most popular alternatives to gutters on houses.

  1. Copper Gutters

If you are not happy with the overall appearance of the typical rain gutters, copper gutters can be a wonderful choice. Apart from featuring better aesthetics, these gutters are rust-proof and require low maintenance in comparison to conventional gutters. According to experts, these gutters are designed to last somewhere between 30 and 100 years given the local weather and the installation approach taken. It is their high visual value that makes them a go-to choice for today’s homeowners.

  1. Rain Dispersal Systems

There are different types of rainwater dispersal systems available in the market. They usually divide the rainwater flow into multiple streams or drops, thereby reducing the impact. The Rain handler is considered the best such system, which works by splitting up a stream of water using an angled-louver system and driving the water in a 2- or 3-foot ensemble.

  1. Rain Chains

Also known as ‘kusaridoi' in Japanese, Rain Chains have been in use for several years and are an appealing alternative to traditional gutter-downspout systems. This method collects rainwater from the roof and directs it to underground barrels or reservoirs via a series of chains or attractive cup systems that break down the force of the water.

  1. Ground Gutter

A ground gutter can promote the protection of the house foundation and siding from rainwater while enduring unobtrusive. This simply entails excavating a V-shaped trench at the drip-line, or the point at which water dropping from the roof overhang comes into contact with the soil. The lining is made of a waterproof substance such as polyethylene. In addition, a punctured pipe is installed at the bottom before being filled with gravel.

  1. Drip Edge

This is a metal accessory at the roof's verge and acts as an extra fence to drop water and prevents water from dropping too near to the house. The drip edge is a metal strip fitted between the roofing and the shingle to prevent water from penetrating the wood below the gravel. Apart from protecting the building base, this also brings down the likelihood of water spilling on and harming the siding. The drip edge can also be used in conjunction with a rain gutter to direct runoff water from the roof into the gutter.

  1. Drip Path

Rainwater coming down the roof is trapped by a cemented path installed just below the roof edge. This walkway is built by embedding blocks or bricks in the ground to provide a hard surface for flowing water, decreasing its erosive effect. The bricks are arranged in a sloping pattern to direct water away from the house. If designed ina sloping fashion, a concrete apron poured at least 6 inches around the base will also drain away rainwater. A path constructed of large pebbles or stones can also be built entirely around the home, but this requires the water to be channeled to an underground drain.

The Conclusion

So, if you are looking for the most effective gutter alternatives, these are the options you can choose to explore. However, there could be more options available in different parts of the world. Therefore, choose the one that matches your needs the best.