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Why did an Australian visitor visa refusal happen to you?

Are you wondering why an Australian visitor visa refusal happens to your application?

I know it can be devastating to receive a refused visa from the Department of Immigration.

Suddenly all your plans were wrapped up in the decision and it seems you got nowhere to go.

So we thought it best to cover the most common reasons from our experience why Australian visitor visa refusal happens.

Let’s get into the most common reasons for Australian visitor visa refusal:

(Or you could watch the explanation below)

Every year thousands of international visitors come to Australia to see the sights and sounds.

But the process of actually getting the Visitor Visa for some may be more difficult than others.

This will depend on your home country’s assessment level and the personal circumstances of each particular visitor.

The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria were put in place as a further safeguard to help Immigration identify a genuine visitor over someone just wanting to come to Australia or wanting to leave their home country.

GTE I was designed as just a guide and cannot be used throughout the entire visitor visa application.


The 6 Most Common Reasons For Australian Visitor Visa Refusal.

The reasons listed below will give you some possible indications as to why your visitor visa may be refused by Immigration:

  1. Insufficient Financial requirement
  2. No sufficient incentives to return to your country
  3. Giving a fraudulent or bogus document
  4. Failed to respond to the Immigration’s requests
  5. Did not meet the health requirements
  6. Character requirements

1. Insufficient Financial requirement

The first reason is the applicant did not meet the financial requirements.

Which states that you need to have sufficient funds that are genuinely available to you, to pay for your travel and living costs for you and your accompanying family members while you are in Australia.

Immigration wants to see at least $5,000 AUD in your bank account prior to coming to Australia.

When using a sponsor for the financials in a higher assessment level country, the applicant or the sponsor should provide at least a minimum of 3 months of previous bank statements before the lodgment of the application for a visitor visa.

If you do not provide this evidence or information with your application or when you are asked to do so by your case officer, your application could end up with a refused visa.

You would also need to show the sources of income if you use your personal bank account to meet the financial requirements for the visitor visa.

You need to submit evidence such as your employment (pays lips, employment statement etc.), or the evidence of your own business if any.

If there is any large transaction displayed in your bank account, then it would be best to provide a clear explanation. If you fail to meet the financial support, the Department of Home Affairs may refuse your application.

As to where this money comes from to avoid confusion from the case officer.

2. No sufficient incentives to return to your country

Australian visitor visa refusal can happen if the applicant has a big gap in unemployment or education.

And that the visitor did not provide enough evidence to demonstrate why they could not get a job in their country of residence,

or for why they stopped working.

This will be a reason as why you would not have an incentive to return to your home country, as you are not established in this country.

To prevent this, you should provide strong evidence of their ties to their home country, such as stable employment, family members, and property ownership, to prove their intention to return home after your visit.

If you are currently not working in your home country, you will also need to provide a clear explanation on :

  • Reasons why you are unemployed, and
  • Who is supporting you in the home country?

This has to be clear with sufficient evidence presented to the Department of Immigration.

You would also need to show that you have strong family ties in your home country.

You can show that by having immediate family members, husband, wife, children, parents, and siblings.

These will show that you need to return to your home country due to family commitments.

3. Giving a fraudulent or bogus document

If you give Immigration a fraudulent or bogus document, this may result in qualifying you for the public interest criteria PIC4020.

An example of this would be :

  • when you try to alter the figures on your income tax,
  • or your salary information,
  • or make a bogus document about your employment and details of your company.

And if you thought that Immigration might not notice or verify it – you would be completely wrong.

Because every bit of information you provide, and all documents you submit will go through their integrity check.

They will use their means and facility to verify each document, and if the details or data you provided were found to be different than what they found, expect a denied visa.

You may be asked to provide comments by the case officer within the prescribed period of time.

4. Failed to respond to the Immigration’s requests

You have failed to respond to the requests of the embassy or Immigration case officer,

regarding additional documentation or information,

or you did not complete your medical examination to continue the assessment of your visitor visa application.

This would mean you did not provide enough documentation and your visa was refused based on this.

5. Did not meet the health requirements

The applicant did not meet the health requirements needed for the visitor visa.

Some applicants from certain countries will be requested to complete a medical examination if they request a long period of holiday or if they apply for a family visitor visa stream.

This means that applicants must meet certain health requirements for temporary entry to Australia.

These medical examinations and x-rays are conducted by a specific panel of doctors chosen by Immigration.

If you do not do a health examination or do not meet the requirements for the exam, this could be the reason your visa was refused.

The level of health exam you must undergo depends entirely on these factors:

  • The activities you plan on doing while in Australia,
  • Your intended length of stay in Australia, and
  • Your country of residence prior to entering Australia.

6. Character requirements

The Australian government takes character issues seriously when assessing Australian visa applications. You may have been refused if you as the applicant do not pass the character requirements for the visa.

An applicant may not pass the character test if:

  • Have a substantial criminal record,
  • Associated with people or groups that Immigration suspects of being involved in criminal activities,
  • Your prior or current criminal or general conduct is of concern to Immigration,

or Immigration is concerned that while you are in Australia, there is a high risk that you may:

  • Involved in criminal conduct, harassing, molesting, intimidating or stalking another person,
  • Vilify part of the Australian community,
  • Incite discord in the Australian community, or
  • Represent a danger to the Australian community.

Please note that these are all the reasons why your visa could be refused to Australia, just the top and most common reasons for Australian visitor visa refusal.

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