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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing strategy that aims to obtain organic traffic by increasing your website's search result ranks. However, the success of this method depends on how well you use the tools available to you and how well thought out your SEO campaign is. In other words, for your website to remain relevant and stay on top of its game, you have to keep up to date with the latest trends and adapt your strategies to maximize Google's new algorithms.

Take a look at some of the best practices of SEO Singapore that can help increase your rankings on Google.

Focus on User Intent

Anticipating a searcher's intent has always been a key element in every SEO strategy. By utilizing certain keywords that they might use, marketers can drive the searchers to their website. However, with the latest update on Google's algorithm, stringing keywords is not enough. New insights from the search engine suggest that rather than keywords, they're looking for passages.

To produce the best SEO content, you must highlight not just what the product is about, but more importantly, how it will benefit the user.

Don’t Underestimate Subtopics

Google also expects to give better results for websites that contain relevant subtopics. With their latest innovation, the search engine can now detect subtopics in your website that might help answer every searcher’s query. 

To maximize this feature, you can use your main keywords or phrases in the title and sprinkle related terms throughout the content. This will help Google provide a wider range of options on the search results pages.

Study Core Web Vitals

The June 2021 Core Update has introduced new Core Web Vitals that evaluate your website's loading speed, page responsiveness, and visual stability. So, to make it to the top 10 search results, your website needs to be in optimal condition. The more it can accommodate a user's needs, the better SEO results it can garner. 

Show More, Say Less

Every SEO agency Singapore-wide is grappling with the shift in user's attitude. Nowadays, they are not interested in long and wordy texts anymore. Instead, they want fast, easy-to-absorb content that gives them everything they need with just one look. That said, you need to be creative in delivering your website's content. Try to incorporate more compelling photos and videos to grab their attention and leave them wanting more.

Change Up Your Titles

Your website title will be the first phrase that users read when they click on your page, so it's important to make a good first impression by drafting a catchy and relevant one. Of course, you might not get the attention you want on the first try. There are times when the titles don't click, and it doesn't give you the best SEO results. When that happens, you need to experiment with various keyword structures and wait for user response. From that experiment, you can see which one people want from your website and create a fail-proof template to get more clicks and convert users to your website. 

Use Shorter URLs

URLs might seem insignificant to you, but they can make a difference to SEO results. Short URLs can inform search engines about the kind of page that you have and provide more context about its content. Additionally, optimizing keywords through your URL can also help your website gain the number one spot on search engine pages. That said, Google suggests that you modify your URLs, make them shorter and easy to understand so the algorithm can easily detect its relevance and offer it to the users. 

Final Insights

With the changes in the digital landscape in 2021, business owners will have to understand Google’s changes, update their SEO strategy and find out a way to attain ranking success. 

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