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Traveling can mean experiencing new sights, foods, and cultures. However, you can’t let the excitement of traveling distract you from proper skincare. Traveling means different weather, frequent flying, and unfamiliar water, all of which can have a negative impact on your skin. From bringing an SPF 30 moisturizer to using time on flights for masks, here are some tips to help your skincare routine during traveling.

How Does Traveling Affect Your Skin?

Traveling can have plenty of negative effects on your skin, and you need to account for these when you bring skincare products on trips. Air travel means low humidity, which can wreak havoc on your skin, leaving it feeling dry. Meanwhile, pollution can irritate your skin and clog pores. Plus, traveling might mean more sun, which can damage your skin.

Prepping for Temperatures

Whether it’s a trip to Alaska or Arizona, extreme temperatures stress your skin. Lightweight products are best for hotter regions, while you’ll need extra nourishment for colder regions with higher winds and lower humidity. You’ll also want to ensure you have sunscreen with you, especially in exotic locales where it might not be as plentiful.

Always Use Sunscreen

Speaking of sunscreen, always bring it when traveling. It can be a dedicated sunscreen or a primer with SPF to help protect your skin against the sun’s rays, but you need to protect your skin from signs of premature aging. No matter what your skin type, you will need sunscreen to help prevent damage from the sun.

Bring a Versatile Moisturizer

Keeping your skin hydrated is essential, no matter your travel destination. You will want a serum and cleanser to support your moisturizer. Keeping your skin hydrated is vital while traveling, as it can help fight the signs of travel, which makes you look tired.

Mist to Moisturize On Demand

Need a quick hydration boost? Use a hydrating mist to get hydration on demand. It will give your skin a dewy, velvety soft finish. It’s perfect for long flights, where you often face low humidity and dry skin. It can also prime your skin for makeup.

Pamper with a Mask

Traveling means you often have plenty of time to do very little. It’s hard to get things done on long plane flights. This makes them perfect for pampering, however. Use an eye mask or sheet mask to help reduce puffiness and restore brightness, both of which often happen with travel. You’ll look well-rested and refreshed during your journey. It can be easy to fight the drying effects of the cabin air in an airplane.

About IMAGE Skincare®

Complexions don’t need to be complicated. Creating the perfect skincare routine for your unique complexion can feel overwhelming, but IMAGE Skincare® helps take all the guesswork out of finding professional skincare products perfect for you. A talented esthetician started IMAGE Skincare to help ensure you get the most effective and nourishing products for every skin type and concern. You’ll find proven ingredients and ground-breaking research at the core of every formula, aimed at targeting your biggest skincare concerns. IMAGE Skincare’s clinically proven ingredients, skincare professionals, and results-first technology always deliver high-quality products. Use the online regimen finder, and you’re only a few clicks away from finding your ideal routine.

Get the skincare products you need for traveling at https://imageskincare.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3v87vx3

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