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As humans, we’re wired for pleasure. The dopamine pathways in our brain are activated when we experience something enjoyable or rewarding. That’s why people get a dopamine rush from exercising, satisfying sex, eating something tasty, and even shopping. In other words, chemicals like dopamine send a message to the brain that something is good: do this thing.

Because our brains are wired for pleasure from a science standpoint, let’s look at some healthy ways to trigger the pleasure center that you can reach for whenever you want to bring more joy…or pleasure to your life. This list is to help you create your own pleasure toolbox, knowing it’s different for everyone.

Boost Your Sexual Pleasure

Let’s face it: A good sex oil makes sex that much more enjoyable. If it’s time to increase your level of pleasure, find a great lubricant or oil to turn things up a notch. In the pursuit of pleasure, whether in the form of self-service or with a partner, you deserve products that make you feel sexy in every sense of the word.

Move Your Body

Consider dancing (whether in your home, out with friends, or in a structured class) as a form of exercise and a way to fire up those feel-good hormones. Physical movement in an expressive form, like dance, is good for the body and mind. Dancing is like that “runner’s high,” stimulating those pleasurable feelings.

Pamper Your Skin

When you finally establish a clean skin care routine that you love and find products that you enjoy using, it’s satisfying. Whether it’s an elusive serum that does exactly what you expect or that next-level face cream, it feels good to know you’re taking the best possible care of your skin. If tending to your skin’s needs is part of what it takes to feel good, go for it.

Meditate in a Peaceful Place

On the opposite end of the spectrum of physical exercise is sitting quietly with yourself. Sit by a river, a lake, the ocean—any body of water or anywhere that connects you back to yourself and the universe. If you can stay there and find pleasure and even clarity in those quiet moments, you’re onto something good.

Be of Service to Someone or Something

Beyond the physical aspects, humans get pleasure from caring for people, animals, and causes that go beyond focusing on themselves. Give your attention and love to something that speaks to your soul, a place where you can make a difference. It can be as simple as helping someone plant a garden or volunteering your time and open heart.

Do Something Nice and Unexpected for a Friend

Friendships need to be cultivated like everything else in life, and sometimes, we take our closest friends for granted. There are a million ways to show a good friend you care and make them smile. What brings them pleasure in life can make you joyful as a result.

You can find pleasurable experiences everywhere you look, whether in a well-curated online sex shop, at home dancing in your living room, or by making yourself available to those in need. Do what feels right for you.

About Living Beautifully

Living a beautiful life means something different to each person, but many of us share common interests: healthy lifestyles, clean beauty, and timeless fashion trends. At Living Beautifully we bring readers a wealth of valuable information, so they can make up their own minds on what it means to live beautifully. Take what you need and leave the rest. Living Beautifully aims to bring together curious, thoughtful human beings to live their best life.

Bring yourself more pleasure with the wide range of products at https://goop.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3P1fMcp

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