1. iOS

6 Ways To Make Your iOS Device More Secure

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In today's digital age, ensuring the security of our personal devices has become increasingly important. With iOS devices being widely used across the globe, it's crucial to take steps to protect our sensitive information and maintain privacy. 

By implementing a few essential measures, you can make your iOS device more secure and safeguard your data from potential threats. 

In this article, we will explore six effective ways to enhance the security of your iOS device, including the use of NordVPN for China.

How Can You Improve Your iOS Security?

  1. Set a Strong Passcode:

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to improve your iOS security is by setting a strong passcode. Instead of using a 4-digit code, opt for at least six digits or even better, use an alphanumeric password.

  1. Keep Your Device Updated:

Another way to ensure your iPhone or iPad's security is up-to-date with the latest software updates and security patches. These updates often include fixes for known vulnerabilities that hackers may exploit.

  1. Use Two-Factor Authentication:

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection by requiring you to enter not only your password but also a unique code sent to another device or email address.

  1. Enable Touch ID and Face ID:

Touch ID and Face ID are convenient ways to unlock your device without typing in a passcode every time while still maintaining high levels of security.

  1. Be Cautious About Downloading Apps:

Only download apps from trusted sources such as the App Store and avoid installing unknown third-party apps that could potentially harm your device's security.

  1. Disable Lock Screen Notifications:

Lock screen notifications can reveal sensitive information even when your phone is locked, so it's best practice to disable them altogether.

By following these tips, you can significantly increase the overall security of your iOS device and keep yourself protected against potential cyber threats!

What Makes iOS More Secure Than Android?

iOS is generally considered to be more secure than Android due to a few key factors. First, iOS has what's known as a “walled garden” approach, which means that apps must go through strict review and approval processes before being available in the App Store. This helps prevent malicious or vulnerable apps from being downloaded onto devices.

Another factor is Apple's control over hardware and software integration. Since they design both the iPhone hardware and iOS software, they can ensure that security features are implemented seamlessly across the board.

In addition, iOS devices have stronger encryption standards compared to many Android devices. For example, iPhones use a proprietary encryption method called “Secure Enclave,” which stores sensitive data like fingerprints and passwords in an isolated area of the device's processor.

Apple also provides regular security updates for older versions of their operating system, whereas many Android manufacturers struggle to provide timely updates for their devices.

These factors contribute to iOS being perceived as more secure than Android by many experts in the field.

How Can You Make Your iPhone 7 More Secure?

The iPhone 7 is an incredible device that comes with various features to protect your data and privacy, but there are still steps you can take to improve its security. Here are six ways to enhance the security of your iPhone 7.

Firstly, set a strong passcode for your phone. This will prevent unauthorized access and ensure that no one can bypass your lock screen if they steal or find your device.

Secondly, enable two-factor authentication for all accounts on your device. This adds an extra layer of protection by requiring a unique code in addition to your password when logging in from a new location or device.

Thirdly, keep iOS updated regularly as Apple frequently releases security patches and bug fixes that address vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers.

Fourthly, disable Siri’s voice activation feature on the lock screen so nobody else can use it without unlocking the phone first.

Fifthly, limit app permissions by reviewing which apps have access to sensitive information such as contacts, camera roll and microphone. You’d want to revoke any unnecessary privileges granted previously

Lastly using NordVPN 3 year subscription whilst browsing keeps you safe from prying eyes when accessing public Wi-Fi networks like those found at coffee shops or airports.

Is iOS More Secure?

One of the most common debates in the tech world is whether iOS is more secure than Android. While both operating systems have their strengths and weaknesses, it's widely accepted that iOS is generally considered to be more securpnpe.

One reason for this is Apple's strict control over its hardware and software ecosystem. Unlike Android, which runs on a variety of devices manufactured by different companies, iOS only runs on iPhones and iPads made by Apple. This allows Apple to tightly regulate both hardware and software security features.

Another factor contributing to iOS' reputation as a secure platform is the frequent updates released by Apple. These updates not only add new features but also patch up any vulnerabilities found in previous versions of the OS.

Additionally, apps sold through the App Store undergo rigorous review processes before they are made available for download to users. This ensures that malicious or insecure apps don't make their way onto your device.

While no system can claim 100% invincibility against all threats, it's safe to say that iOS provides a high level of security compared to other mobile platforms.

Why Is iOS More Secure?

iOS is often touted as the more secure mobile operating system. But why is this? For starters, iOS devices are a closed ecosystem, meaning that only Apple-approved apps can be installed on them. This helps to prevent malicious apps from making their way onto your device.

Additionally, iOS devices receive regular security updates from Apple, which help to patch any vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the software. These updates also ensure that your device is running the latest and most secure version of iOS.

Another reason why iOS is more secure than other mobile operating systems is due to its strong encryption capabilities. All data stored on an iPhone or iPad is encrypted by default, making it much harder for hackers or cybercriminals to access sensitive information.

Furthermore, Apple's App Store review process ensures that all apps meet strict security standards before being made available for download. This helps to reduce the risk of downloading malware or spyware disguised as legitimate apps.

While no mobile operating system can claim 100% security against all threats, iOS certainly has several features and processes in place that make it a more inherently secure option compared with other platforms.


Securing your iOS device is a crucial step towards ensuring that your personal data remains safe from hackers and other malicious actors. While iOS devices are already more secure than their Android counterparts, there are still some steps you can take to further enhance their security.

By following the six tips outlined in this article, you can significantly improve the security of your iPhone or iPad. From enabling two-factor authentication to using a VPN like NordVPN to encrypt your internet traffic, these measures will go a long way towards keeping your data safe from prying eyes.

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