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6 Ways to Speed Up Orthopedic Surgery Recovery

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10 Ways To Improve Your Recovery After Surgery - Orthopedic & Sports  Medicine

It’s understandable if you have a medical procedure coming up and are worried about recovery. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 1 in every 11 Australians have osteoarthritis. It means you are not alone— about 9.3% of the population shares your experience (and strong recovery). While you may have the best orthopedic surgeon in Adelaide, SA, take care of you while you’re in the hospital, getting back on your feet rests on you. 

We have compiled below the four ways to hasten your recovery. These tips can get the help you get back to your everyday life as soon as possible. 

Let’s begin. 

Get Your Dose of Daily Exercise 

Start exercising, even if it’s mild walking, the moment your body allows. Body movement increases blood flow, which promotes healing. Walking can also help prevent blood clots and minimise the risk of pneumonia. Once the doctor gives the green signal, you can start physical therapy to stretch scar tissue and rebuild muscular strength. 

Properly Hydrate Yourself 

Consuming ample water or low-calorie flavoured drinks can help in the recovery period. However, avoid carbonated liquids. You can also consume fruits like watermelon and strawberries for a rich source of hydration.

Give Your Body the Energy It Needs to Heal

Surgery may cause appetite loss which may leave you not wanting to consume food. But it’s critical to give your body the fuel it needs to heal. Eat high-protein meals like chicken can help speed up the recovery process. Iron and B12-rich foods, such as fish and eggs aid in the formation of new blood cells. You also want to include vitamin C for accelerating the healing. Consume fibre and probiotics-rich foods to protect the body from infection more effectively. Meanwhile, avoid high sugar food as they disrupt the body’s homeostasis and weaken the immune system. In the same way, prevent high-sodium food and liquid from blocking water retention or swelling.

Take Care of Your Wounds Properly

Stick to comfortable clothing that won’t bother your surgery part of the body. Change the dressings as directed, and check for any infection indications.

Allow Yourself to Take a Break

Pay attention to your body post-surgery. Give yourself enough time to recuperate, even if you are apprehensive about returning to work. It can be challenging, especially for active people, to stay put without physical movement for a long time. It’s great to want to begin moving, but it is imperative to take a break if you’re fatigued. Stop, and rest if your body needs it.

Follow Your Doctor’s Advice

Revering from surgeries requires internal healing before certain activities are safe to perform. So, make sure to take precautions as directed, even if your wounds appear to be healed. Go for follow-up appointments and discuss all of your concerns.


It might be changeling to strictly follow recommendations for a particular diet, physical therapy, or caring for your wound. You can consult your doctor for short-term hospital accommodation. Or to recommend treatment centres where specialists can assist you with your recovery.







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