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7 Free Tools to Rank on Google – SEO Optimization Techniques to Skyrocket Your Rankings

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You want to rank number one on google? But how do you think you who could do it?  most people say you need to build a link or you need to do on-page-SEO. But where do you start? Today I'm going to share with you 7 free tools that will help you rank on google.

1. QuickSprout Analyser

Quicksprout is a free application that tells you and break down all the things that are wrong and it would even walk you through how to fix them step by step.

For example, If you are not putting in the right keyword in your title tag, in your description or in your alt image tag. Quicksprout would tell, and you just need to click a button, and it even shows you which keyword to add and where.

The cool part about quicksprout is that, if you are not technical and you want to publish changes, you don't need coding, quicksprout can publish all for you.

2. Yoast SEO for WordPress

If you are using WordPress, it's one of my favorite tools, it has a free and paid version. I personally use the pay version for my other website but you can peak either one, they both amazing.

With the Yoast SEO plugin, everytime you publish a blog post it would give you a score and tell you hey here is how you can do your title tag, your meta description, and you can pick a different keyword and show search engine something different than what you show users.

The cool part about Yoast SEO plugin is you can optimize each of your blog post to get the maximum amount of traffic and every time you release a new blog post, it even update your sitemap for you automatically.

3. Google Seach Console

Everytime you publish a new blog post or page, you have a sitemap, the sitemap is probably going to be crawl by the Yoast SEO plugin. You can then submit it to search console.

In addition to that, search console shows you how many impression and click you are getting, which page is popular and it even shows you which keyword you are getting an impression for but not a lot of clicks.

You can then go and optimize the content and add that keyword, adjusting your title tag, your meta description, and maximize your click-through-rate. These would increase your ranking without you having to build even one single link

4. Google Trends

Let say there is a current in the street and there is General Motors and BMW. they both have millions of dollar to spend on SEO. They both have millions of backlink. But how does Google know?, should they rank General Motors or BMW.

One of the factors within Google is a brand quarrel, and google trend shows you these.
As you can see BMW is more popular than General Motors. So more people are typing in BMW and all the SEO factor is very similar, so they are going to rank the most common manufacture ahead the other.

5. Websiteresponsivetest.com

Did you more people are using google from their mobile and tablet device than they do from their laptop or desktop? Sometimes they are more powerful than the old computers. 

So you want to make sure your website is responsive and people on mobile devices can load your website extremely faster.

Using this free tool, it would show you how the website and mobile visitors are seeing your website.

6. Screaming Frog

This is a super technical SEO tool, you put in your URL and it shows you every little thing that wrong. From title, heading, keyword, link. It analysis every little thing from a super advanced technical framework

Make sure you checkout Screaming Frog

7. Google PageSpeed Insights

This tool shows you how fast your website load. And if it loads slow, that is okay, they break down a list that shows you what you need to improve for desktop and mobile devices so that your website can load extremely fast.

Here is a thing, if someone is on your website and it loading slowly because this day's more people are using a mobile phone, they are going to leave. 

Sure there is a fast internet connection, but some area still have bad coverage, so make sure your website load extremely fast.

Now check out those tools, they work really well, and if you want more tools and tips like these, just make sure you subscribe to this blog by entering your email below, because I would be releasing more article soon that cover SEO tools that can help boost your ranking as well tips so that you can rank faster to the top.


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