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Toothaches and tooth discomfort are difficult to ignore and can ruin your day. Toothaches can be caused by various things, ranging from something as simple as a popcorn kernel lodged in your gum to something more serious, such as a tooth infection or tooth decay, the most common cause of a toothache in both children and adults!

If you have a toothache that doesn't go away in a day or two, it's critical to see a dentist as soon as possible to determine the source of your pain and treat your symptoms. You may consider calling emergency dental services like Emerdency, as we are regarded as the best emergency dentists in Blackburn

However, here are some home remedies that can help you control your tooth pain and even relieve minor irritation.

Homeopathic Toothache Treatments

There are some natural homeopathic toothache treatments you can try, and many of them may be lying in your pantry or kitchen cupboards.

Cold Compress

A cold compress helps relieve tooth pain by numbing it and lowering swelling and inflammation. This cure works by restricting blood vessels, slowing blood flow to the sore location. Simply place an ice pack or frozen bag of vegetables on the outside of the cheek for a few minutes to relieve a toothache. This is the best way to help relieve your pain without any side effects.

Saltwater Gargle

A saltwater rinse can be an efficient approach to clean out an infected area, remove food or debris, and provide temporary relief from a toothache. Swish for 30 seconds, then repeat once or twice more if you didn't find the result. This will help to get rid of some bacteria and provide temporary relief.

Clove Oil

Another standard toothache home remedy is clove oil, which can be used as an antiseptic for oral disorders. Clove oil also contains eugenol, a natural anesthetic that numbs whatever it comes into contact with. To use clove oil for tooth pain, pour a few drops on a cotton ball and apply it to the affected area for a few minutes of comfort. 

But keep in mind that if clove oil gets into contact with other sensitive areas of your mouth, it might worsen the pain. So, take extreme caution when applying.

Peppermint Tea Bags

Since peppermint includes menthol, an element with proven numbing qualities, it has long been used to relieve toothaches. It also possesses antimicrobial qualities, which may aid in the battle against an illness. The procedure is pretty simple, wet a peppermint tea bag and place it in the freezer for a few minutes as a home treatment for toothache. After that, place the cooled tea bag on the affected area. Wear it for 20 minutes. You may also make peppermint tea and swish it around in your mouth once it's cooled to relieve tooth discomfort.

Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse

Just like saltwater, hydrogen peroxide works as a cleanser. However, it does more than merely eliminate bacteria; it also attacks it. Swish for 30 seconds after mixing equal parts 3% hydrogen peroxide and water. Repeat once or twice more till you experience the result.

However, it’s prohibited to ingest and don’t use this remedy for children.

Bourbon-Soaked Cotton balls

Like most alcoholic beverages, Bourbon has numbing characteristics that, when applied topically, can provide dental pain relief. Put some bourbon on a cotton ball and place it on the affected area to relieve a toothache. You'll get some temporary comfort, but it will go off as the alcohol evaporates. This remedy is only for adults; avoid using it for children.


Due to its antibacterial and antimicrobial qualities, garlic is frequently recommended as a home treatment for toothache. To treat a toothache with garlic, crush a garlic clove with a pinch of salt and apply it to the affected area. You can also put a garlic clove in your mouth and chew it. Repeat this method a few times every day.

On the other hand, it's critical to keep in mind that raw garlic has some potential adverse effects, including poor breath, body odour, bloating, and heartburn.

Final Words

If your toothache lasts more than a couple of days, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible to schedule an appointment. Your toothache pain could indicate a serious oral health condition such as tooth decay, bacterial infection, or even heart disease. Your dentist is the best person to advise managing symptoms and preventing future toothaches.

You can also contact Emerdency, as we recognize the importance and necessity of providing dental relief. So, if you need an emergency dentist in Oldham, contact Emerdency!



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