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7 Reasons Why You Should Disconnect While Traveling

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Once a luxury, having a wi-fi connection used to be all the rage but today being constantly connected can have many pitfalls. This is because too much technology can consume your daily life and take away from experiences, instead of adding to them. This is especially true when travelling. From taking road trips to family vacations, or fulfilling travel bucket lists, there are many benefits to disconnecting while you are out and about. 

I do it every time. Whenever I am travelling, I am not checking into social media or posting stories or constantly messaging my friends. I just make a call at night to my parents telling them I am safe and sound. Not to mention, they track me on Google all the time anyway. So, for me, whenever I am on a break – any luxury stay or any long and short trip – I minimize my use of the phone. And that brings the peace which I need. 

The inspiration behind this post is my boss. An over-worked but super amazing guy who is trying to sneak out some time from his busy schedule but the question is – will he succeed? 

Without much ado, Here are seven reasons why you too should consider disconnecting from your devices when you are travelling. 

#1 Ensure Your Safety

Today, we are plugged into various devices more so than ever before. From smartphones to tablets, to laptops and even wearable technology—accessing the internet is at the tips of our fingertips—literally! However, such constant use of technology can pose emotional and physical dangers to our health. For instance, over-use of technology is problematic and can lead to addictive behaviours. Similarly, using technology at inopportune times, such as texting while driving, can lead to accidents and even fatalities. So, while you are out travelling be sure to unplug your devices to give yourself a break, ensuring your safety.

#2 Increase Interaction

Travelling offers plenty of activities to enjoy with friends and loved ones. From dining out, to live entertainment, to simple relaxation by the poolside, there are plenty of options for things to do while you’re out with others. However, using your devices during these times can take away from the experience. For instance, it can be difficult to have engaging conversations with others when you are glued to your screen. Luckily, disconnecting while travelling can help you to increase interaction with those around you. You may even make some new friends.

Interacting with fellow travellers and the locals is a great way to know different perspective about things!

#3 Maintain Concentration

Technology can also be a huge distraction, taking away from your ability to concentrate on the tasks at hand, resulting in instances of multi-tasking. In other words, while you are trying to concentrate on your trip you are also equally trying to concentrate on your device. Even though you may not want to miss a social media update or you may have a few emails to clear out, doing so on your trip will take you away from the current activities. In short, your devices are distracting you. Therefore, commit to a tablet, laptop and phone-free time during your travels so that you can concentrate more and do one thing at a time. 

This place sent me to a different world of ecstasy. And I am so glad I did not have my phone to distract me!

#4 Improve Productivity

Think of all of the hours that you spend in front of your devices. Do you really want to spend that same amount of time plugged into your device while travelling? Staying away from your devices can help you to get more done while you are on your trip including enjoying many more fun activities that do not require any screen time at all. By staying clear of your devices you may be able to add valuable hours back into your schedule.

#5 Reduce Stress

Too much technology has also been known to increase feelings of stress and anxiety. This is true for many people who are afraid to miss important messages, those who compare their lives to those of others on social media, being upset over misplacing a phone or kids who are frustrated with cool apps and games on their phones. All of these instances can result in unwarranted stress. Therefore, proactively choose to eliminate device use while you are travelling and have a worry-free trip that is not influenced by your technology.

Breathing and letting it all go!

#6 Have Peace of Mind

Unplugging during vacations helps you to recharge and improve your sense of well-being. Time away from your devices can be relaxing, giving you more time to think instead of being constantly distracted by what’s occurring on the internet. You’ll have a clear head and will have more peace of mind because your technology will not consume your trip.

#7 Enjoy the Moment

Lastly, disconnecting from your devices helps you to enjoy the present moment. Today, memories are posted in an instant with people taking pictures of what they’re doing and sharing to social media within seconds. Instead of doing this, give your devices a break and instead concentrate on being present and enjoying the moment. Simply unplug and then enjoy your time away.

Penguins are the happiest creatures on earth. And I am glad I could capture them in my memory forever!

Spend wholesome time away from your screens while travelling this year. Consider any of these tips for a fully unplugged experience and ensure the best trip possible by disconnecting. 


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