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7 Things to Consider When Purchasing 911 Consoles

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911 consoles last up to fifteen years if you make the right purchase. So, if you’re looking to buy furniture for your mission-critical team, weigh the pros of different options. 60% of employees work in spaces that are well-designed and comfortable. A command center needs to have the best furniture because they aren’t the typical workplace.

Employees here carry out high-stakes operations. In turn, their workstations need various features not available anywhere else. Get 911 consoles that give the best value and encourage smooth workflow in the command center. 

Here’s what to look for when making a purchase:

The lifespan of the console

 You want to get furniture that will last as long as possible. 911 console furniture does not come cheap because of the various features they have. Therefore, you’ll want to ensure they last for an average of 12 years. 

Sometimes, other reasons besides wear and tear will lead you to change the console. For example, some states offer money to change consoles after seven years. Otherwise, the furniture should last as long as fifteen years after purchase. 

Timeline for ordering and delivery of the console

Console furniture is not your typical furniture piece. You cannot walk into a furniture store and pick a console then have them deliver it to you. These require you to communicate with a reputable company to do the measurement, put together a layout proposal and generate a quotation. The entire process should be seamless not to affect work at the center. 

The cost of the console 

911 consoles cost a fortune. However, they are custom-made and have a lot of necessary features that ordinary consoles lack. Depending on your budget, you’ll get several design options. One of these will suit your center best for better productivity. Consider all the features on offer. 

Sit-stand design availability 

Getting the best sit-stand ergonomic consoles boosts productivity and makes everyone comfortable. Sitting for long periods gets uncomfortable, especially for employees working in a command center. According to research, some companies experience 7% improvements in employee productivity because of the availability of sit-stand furniture. Employees are also of different heights so get ergonomic solutions for both tall and short individuals. 

Power and data features

These are vital since operators will need to keep their devices charged while working. Choosing a console with adequate power and data features makes them comfortable. Therefore, they will not need to move about to charge their devices or compete for charging stations, which leads to time wastage.

Multi-monitor adjustment features 

Operators need to have several screens running simultaneously. For this reason, they require all the screens to be accessible. All monitors must move together with a single-touch control. This prevents operators from missing any vital information that could lead to the loss of lives.   

Flexible and enhanced cable management 

Cables can run wild and distract operators. Having the best system for cable management enhances productivity. Besides, you do not want any situation that could lead to accidental disconnection because someone tripped on a wire.  

911 consoles are a vital part of a high-stakes operation. As a result, they need to be of top-notch quality and as efficient as possible to enhance productivity. Keenly consider what difference the console will make to your workspace before investing in a console.