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Data breaches surged by 70 percent in the third quarter of 2022, affecting over 108.9 million accounts. That’s a lot of emails and accounts beached. Russia is at the top of the list of most breached accounts, upstaging the U.S., which used to be the most breached country in the world for years, likely due to the continued conflict with Ukraine. Given all that, it’s important to stay vigilant about your company’s cybersecurity protocols and measures. Consider outsourcing your cybersecurity operations. Here are some of the benefits you’ll enjoy.

Lower Costs

Managed service providers bring economies of scale. They offer the capabilities you need at a much lower cost than what an in-house team would set you back for. That’s an excellent way to reduce your operational expenses.

Fixed Costs

When you hire a cyber security consultant, you can count on fixed costs. Or, at the very least, nearly fixed costs. That can help create predictable expenses factored into your budget so you can manage your funds better.

24/7 Coverage

If you don’t have the funds to build a security operations center that runs 24/7, outsourcing your cybersecurity operations is a smart choice. That way, you can rely on the outsourced team or expert to deliver the services you need without expanding your team or spending more money on recruitment, employee management, and wages.


If you have a lean team, your operations can get off track if one or two key people leave. You won’t have to worry about that problem when outsourcing your cybersecurity operations. Find a company that offers the support your team needs. If they’ve been in the field for years, they can help sustain your operations until you can afford to expand your team.

More Experience

When you hire an experienced consultant to handle your outsourced cybersecurity operations, you can count on them to handle problems. Their expertise means they are more efficient and can get work done faster. Having someone like that is an asset to your organization. Your company can leapfrog forward with those capabilities and expert help.

Threat Detection and Response

A skilled cybersecurity consultant knows how to identify emerging threats or detect potential ones and defend against them. If you don’t want your data sets compromised, hire a team to take better care of the issue. Talk to a consultant to learn more strategies involving threat detection and how to address those problems.

Variety of Services

Someone who has worked in the field of cybersecurity for years can offer a range of services that meet your needs. A trustworthy consultant often has experience working in different verticals and with small, big, or mid-sized companies. That all translate into more skill and experience.

Compliance with Standards

Choosing a consultant who can satisfy compliance requirements and has cybersecurity measures and standards in place will be a tremendous help. If they also know the best industry practices, hiring them as a consultant or part of your outsourced cybersecurity operations can get you the support and talent you need.


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