1. Digital Marketing

8 Key Fundamentals of Online Marketing You Can’t Afford to Ignore

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Online marketing has changed everything about how we sell and purchase goods and services, and it’s changing every day. Anyone who wants to stay competitive in this new digital economy needs to keep up with the latest online marketing trends and techniques, or they risk being left behind by their competition. These eight key fundamentals of online marketing will get you up to speed on the key principles you need to have any hope of succeeding in this ever-changing world of business.


A recent study of the top 100 websites in the US found that 93% of them had at least one social media account and that nearly all of those had more than one (66%). This means that today, you can’t afford to ignore online marketing as part of your business model if you want to be competitive and grow in the digital age. In this guide, we will discuss 8 key fundamentals of online marketing you can’t afford to ignore, including setting clear goals, knowing what content to produce, creating an effective social media presence, leveraging email marketing and optimization techniques, and more! 

1) A Well-Designed Website

The most important part of your marketing plan is the website. 

  • You must have a strong, well-designed site where customers can find out all about you and what you do. 
  • When designing your site, it’s imperative to remember that the experience should be effortless for visitors. 
  • Ensure it’s clear how someone can contact you with any questions they may have by providing an easy contact form or link on every page. 
  • Finally, choose an appealing color scheme for your website design to make it more visually pleasing and enjoyable for visitors. 
  • When people visit your website, they want to know not only what you offer but also how good you are at doing it. 

An engaging presentation will leave them wanting more so ensure that your copywriting skills are on point and ready for action! Once you’ve got your copywriting down pat, think about what type of tone you’re going for: serious? humorous? reassuring? Choosing a tone is just as important as making sure your content has substance. 

If you’re unsure which tone to use, speak with others in your field and see which one seems like the best fit. Lastly, keep it fresh and add new content regularly so that people always have something new to read on their next visit!

2) Search Engine Optimization 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of influencing the visibility of a website or a web page in search engine’s unpaid results – often referred to as natural, organic, or earned results. There are many techniques that SEOs use to rank higher in SERPs and these vary from industry to industry. They can be categorized into two types: On-Page SEO – Changes done on one’s website such as keyword research, backlinks, etc.; Off-Page SEO – Actions taken by an outside company/person such as blogging, forum commenting, etc. 

It’s important to take both on-page and off-page actions to be successful in online marketing. For example, somebody could write about their experience with your product which you would then want to link up with your site for more traffic. Or if you have a brick-and-mortar store, people might talk about how good your customer service was at the store. You would want to reach out to those individuals who are talking about you and ask them if they will put in a good word for you on their blog post as well. 

3) Pay-Per-Click Advertising 

Paid advertising is the most straightforward form of marketing on the internet. It’s a way for you to show up in front of a specific audience, target people who are interested in what you have to offer and charge them for it. Paid advertising can be a great way to get your product or service in front of customers who might not otherwise find it. However, if you don’t know how to use this type of marketing effectively then it will quickly become costly. The key is picking out the right keywords that describe your company so that those who click on your ads are going to end up at your website. 

Once they’re there, they should see enough content that they’re compelled to buy whatever you’re selling. One thing that every business needs to remember when starting an online marketing campaign with pay-per-click advertising is setting a budget. 

Remember: $50 per day may seem like nothing but it adds up over time. Always think about how much money you want to spend before choosing which keywords to put into Google Adwords and Facebook Ads Manager. 

4) Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great way to stay in touch with customers and prospects, but it can be overwhelming for some small business owners. Email marketing is best done through automation so that all the customer needs to do is sign up on your website and you can take care of the rest. There are many different kinds of emails that you can send out to keep your customers happy and engaged. 

The following are three types of email marketing: transactional, content-based, and relationship-based. 

  • Transactional emails are ones like automated thank-you emails sent when someone makes a purchase. 
  • Content-based emails contain things like blog posts or articles that pertain to the company’s industry or area of expertise. 
  • Relationship-based emails are more personal and usually contain offers, promotions, or discounts that may not apply to everyone who subscribes to them. 

5) Social Media Marketing 

Social Media Marketing is a key component for any business looking to grow its online presence. Whether you’re just starting or have been in the game for years, social media can be an excellent way to build your following, generate leads and increase brand awareness – all at the same time. But to be successful at it, you’ll need a solid strategy and some best practices that will help you avoid common pitfalls. 

Here are also 8 key fundamentals of online marketing you can’t afford to ignore while doing social media marketing: 

1) Create clear goals for your campaign before setting up anything. Your goals should be specific, measurable, and achievable (SMART). 

2) Be sure that everything from messaging on social channels to images is consistent with your company’s branding. 

3) When using different types of posts (i.e., blogs, photos, videos), vary them between quality content and promotional content to maintain freshness on each platform. 

4) Make sure you use hashtags so people find your work on search engines like Twitter and Instagram. 

5) Maintain authenticity by posting updates about what’s happening inside your company, not just outside of it. 

6) Monitor results regularly to see what works for your audience, then adjust accordingly. 

7) Use call-to-actions wherever possible so people know how they can get involved in your community.

8) Finally, don’t forget to share other brands’ content as well! 

If you’re active on social media and follow these 8 fundamental tips, you’ll be well on your way towards building an effective social media marketing strategy for your company!

6) Content Marketing 

Content marketing is a powerful way to spread awareness about your brand, product, or service. It’s also a cost-effective and often less invasive way to reach your target audience. With so many different forms of content available, it can be hard to know where to start. 

To help you out, here are some tips on the most popular types of content: 

  1. Blog posts – Posts that provide in-depth information on a particular topic. 
  2. Infographics – Graphic representations of data or information that helps you understand what’s important at a glance. 
  3. Podcasts – A series of audio files uploaded online as digital media files (usually in MP3 format) that typically feature interviews with experts on various topics by host Dave Brown. 
  4. Videos – Short video segments that last for 30 seconds to 5 minutes, usually intended for sharing through social media sites like Facebook or YouTube.

You may find yourself getting stuck from time to time when creating content, but these eight fundamentals will ensure you’re always ready to go!  Keep reading this guide to know more.

7) Mobile Marketing 

Mobile marketing is more than just apps: 

If you’re only using an app, you’re missing out on a lot. Apps are one way of getting your brand in front of mobile users, but they can be expensive and difficult to create. While apps may be the next big thing, right now it’s all about mobile-optimized websites. 

What does this mean? It means that instead of expecting people to download a specific app, your website is optimized for mobile browsers so that everyone can access your content regardless of whether or not they have the latest gadget. 

In addition to making sure your website is optimized for mobile, make sure you understand what type of device people will use when visiting your site. There are several types of phone layouts including iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Blackberry. 

Consider how each layout looks at different screen resolutions and try to accommodate as many as possible. With these two strategies in place (mobile optimization & taking into account device differences), you’ll be ready for any potential visitor!

8) Analytics 

Google Analytics is a powerful tool for understanding your audience, which in turn helps you make better decisions about where to spend your advertising dollars. Knowing who you are reaching and how they behave can guide the way in developing an effective marketing strategy. It’s important not just to know these things but also to be able to measure them. 

Without measurement, we have no way of knowing if what we’re doing is working or not. Measurement doesn’t stop at traffic. You should be looking at all aspects of analytics including page views, bounce rates, time spent on site, number of conversions/purchases, etc.The right online marketing company will help you identify the metrics that matter most to your business so you can focus your resources accordingly. 

Choosing the wrong online marketing company could cost you both time and money as your campaign flounders. Take into account such things as turnaround time, experience with your industry, customer service, and pricing before making a decision.


Digital marketing has changed drastically over the past few years, due to the growth of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter that can be used as free advertising space. Digital marketing also helps businesses connect with customers, generate leads, and increase sales by incorporating traditional marketing methods, such as TV and radio advertisements, with digital marketing strategies. In this guide, we have covered eight key fundamentals of online marketing you should pay attention to if you want your business to thrive in the digital age. 

Source: 8 Key Fundamentals of Online Marketing You Can’t Afford to Ignore