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Russia has carved a niche for itself for providing world class medical education at affordable cost to students from the all over the world, especially from India.  The last few years have seen increase in the number of international students opting to study medicine in the top Russian universities and this trend is increasing continuously. What is so special about Russian medical education that students from all over the world are choosing these universities?

Following are the top 8 reasons to study MBBS in Medical Universities of Russia

  1)   Top Medical Education Quality in Russian Universities

Russia has many medical universities with more than 5000 doctors imparting medical education.  Many medical universities of Russia are listed in the ‘World Directory of Medical Schools’, published by the WHO with some of them having a history more than two hundred years. All these Universities provide European standard of education.  Education system has more focus on practical education.

2) English Language of Instruction for Full Course

For many students, learning new language is the barrier that stopped them from pursuing medical education in Russia, but not anymore as most of the institutions in Russia now offer full course in English for international students.  However local language is taught to the students in their first year, which helps them get well and interact with their Russian colleagues as well as the local patients and people.

3)   No Entrance Exam and Donation Required 

Unlike India, for obtaining admission to top Russian medical universities, aspirants required no donation or high tuition fees, one does not have to appear for any entrance examination for admission to university of their choice in Russia. Getting qualifying marks in NEET UG exam is sufficient for admission process.

4)  Affordable Tuition Fees and Cost Of Living

Tuition fees at Russian medical universities are much lower in comparison to those in other countries and private colleges in India due to the financial support provided by the Government of the country to the universities. Minimum Tuition Fee   is   22 lac / 6years and vary according to university.  In addition to university fees, cost of living is also considerably low in Russia compared to other European countries. Considering the cost of Medical education in India, this a great opportunity for Indian medical aspirants from humble background to complete their dream of becoming a doctor by studying MBBS abroad in Russia.

5) Global Recognition for Russian medicine Degree

Russian medicine degrees have gained global recognition and have topped ratings of UNESCO and WHO. Many Russian medical colleges find place in the world university rankings. Getting MBBS degree from Russia can open excellent   employment and academic opportunities internationally, and may be the reason why Russia is the favorite of medical aspirants across the world. With curricula in sync with ever changing medical development, Russian medical degree holders are valued across the world.

 6)   Excellent   Research Environment

Russian education system are known for their research programs, their researches are collaborations with leading research institutions. All medical university labs are well equipped with the latest equipment’s and facilities that are best in the world.

7)  Presence of international Students

Students studying medicine in Russia feel at home, as large number of students from the Indian subcontinent especially from India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan; and other countries study in the country at different institutes. Owing to the large presence of Indian students, Indian food is available in most university canteens in the Russia. Indian foods Restaurants are also quite common though the cost can be high.

8)  Experience Great Social Life

International students in Russia will find themselves in the midst of an array of vibrant culture of the country. Russia is large country with endless list of festivities and celebration.  Russians is known the world over for the liking for good things in life with humble nature. As a student in Russia, one is sure to experience the very best of country in terms of food, culture, and mesmerizing landscapes.

Looking to study medicine abroad in 2032 and still confused? Let us guide you to the right medical career path.  Contact us for admission to your choice of university and free consultation at info@avglobaloverseas.com or call at +918530490888.



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