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Sales automation is a business tool that has the power to improve your sales team’s performance and productivity. It can increase revenue, reduce costs and help you reach your marketing goals as well. But if automation is not used correctly, it could do more harm than good for your business. In this article, we’ll explore 8 tips on how to use sales automation effectively and efficiently so that you can get the most out of this powerful B2B tool.

Tend your growth engine.

To be successful with sales automation, you must understand your growth engine. Your engine is the system that helps you sell more and faster. It's what drives the momentum behind your business.

The importance of understanding your growth engine cannot be overstated: without it, there's no way to know if it's working or not, nor how quickly or slowly it should grow in order for you to stay competitive in a changing market landscape.

Your initial focus should be on keeping this part of your business healthy and growing steadily rather than focusing on short-term goals like closing deals at increased rates or growing monthly revenue by 10%.

Pay attention to the health of your automation platform.

When working with a sales automation platform, it’s important to keep an eye on the health of your system. This is especially true if you are considering adopting a new solution or rolling out an existing one.

  • Make sure your automation platform is up-to-date. Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and Oracle Contacts are all great examples of platforms that have been around for years and still offer plenty of features for small businesses to use. They also tend to receive regular updates that add new features or improve existing ones. As such, these systems will always be competitively priced compared with newer products, because they’re already proven winners at what they do helping marketers automate their interactions with customers via email campaigns, social media posts, and phone calls so there’s no need for companies looking at upgrading from their current product set which may not meet all expectations related specifically around ROI metrics.

Track market trends and adjust as needed.

As you start using your Sales Automation software, it’s important to track market trends and adjust as needed. This is especially true if you’re using a product. where the sales team needs access to more information than just contact data.

  • Track your sales data by email address and month-over-month comparisons are useful in determining overall performance compared with previous periods of time.
  • Track marketing data such as keyword rankings on Google, organic search results for keywords used in ad campaigns, etc., so that you can make adjustments as necessary.

Always be testing.

You should always be testing.

A/B testing is a great way to determine what type of content works best for your audience, and it can also help you determine if certain calls to action are more effective than others. A/B testing allows you to compare two different versions of an email or landing page, giving you insight into which one performs better than the other. This information will help guide future decisions about what types of messages work best for your business, which in turn will save time and money in the long run.

Analytics allow businesses like yours who use automation software Marketing Platform access real-time data from their customers' emails, web traffic sources, and social media interactions through their site or app allowing them to see exactly where people are coming from before sending out any kind of marketing message at all.

Be a lean mean marketing machine.

The first step to using sales automation is to make sure you're using it. Don't just dive in and try out all the features, because it will end up being a waste of time if your team isn't ready for the task at hand.

Instead, focus on what's most important. getting leads out of your pipeline and converting them into customers as quickly as possible. Once you've done this well enough with one campaign or tactic, then consider expanding into another area but don't get distracted by new shiny things.

Don’t automate too much.

You should only automate what is most important for your business. If you don’t have a strong grasp of what makes sense in your own situation, it could be a waste of time and money to try and implement automation software that doesn’t work for you. This is especially true if you have an established marketing strategy that relies on other tactics such as email marketing, social media advertising, and guest blogging. Automation should complement these other methods instead of being used solely as part of the overall strategy.

Build it and they will come.

Once you’ve got a clear goal and a plan of action, it’s time to build your sales automation system. This can be done in many different ways, but for our purposes here, we’ll focus on the most basic and extensive model. an email marketing platform.

The first step is setting up your team with access to their own lists so they can start sending emails right away the sooner they start using these tools, the better. In addition, make sure everyone knows what their role is within this process. some people will be responsible for creating new campaigns, while others will handle reporting metrics such as open rates and click-through rates.

Know what you can expect when it comes to ROI.

Sales automation is a business tool to help you grow your revenue and profits. Its uses include:

  • automating some of the customer interactions for recurring sales
  • using sales automation to increase your pipeline size by creating more leads that convert into customers
  • using sales automation as a lead-generation tool for all new customers

Automation is essential to a successful B2B business strategy, but you must govern its use.

Automation is a key part of any successful B2B business approach, just make sure you have control over how and why you use it.

If you can’t adjust the software to fit your needs, then it isn't worth buying. If your company doesn’t know what kind of data they need or which customers are important enough for automation, then there won't be any value added by using this type of software. You should always strive for better accuracy as well as consistency between different platforms so that every customer receives exactly what they paid for – no more no less.


Automation is a powerful tool, but like any other tool, it has its uses and limits. You need to decide if automation is right for your business model and then make sure you use it in the right way.


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