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Almost everyone experienced some kind of back pain in their lives. Lower back pain is not an exception. Perhaps you’ve lifted something heavy at home recently or you’re starting to feel discomfort in your lower back after a recent gym workout. It can happen to anyone. If you feel pain or discomfort in your spine, you should contact a doctor to get professional help immediately. But at the moment you can try to ease your symptoms with these helpful tips.

1. Cold patch

Because of the inflammatory processes, it is important to chill your back within the first 24 or 48 hours. Something warm feels good too, but it will only worsen the inflammatory situation. You can only shift to something warm after the first 48 hours of injury. Warm or cold patches should be applied for about 20 minutes to allow your skin to rest.

2. Try to sleep well 

Pain syndrome can be the cause of insomnia. It may be difficult for you to sleep at night and to stay awake in the daytime. Lack of sleep can increase your back pain. This can be a neverending cycle that you need to break. Your body tissues need a sufficient amount of sleep to heal and restore energy. It is important to get rid of the cause that makes sleeping at night hard for you. Visit a lower back pain specialist nearby you to receive recommendations on the treatment of insomnia caused by back pain.

3. Movement

Constant movement is the key to back rehabilitation. Try to do your home routine, clean the house, prepare dinner, and walk with a dog. It would make you feel better eventually. When you feel better and your back gets more mobile, try some aerobics. Go swimming or ride a bicycle. But don’t go too far with it, there’s no need to be  Superman when you have back problems. 

4. Work on your muscles

Once your lower back pain recedes, make sure to build proper muscles for its support. Those are back extensors, hips, abdominal muscles, and pelvic. Working on those can help keep a good posture and positioning of your spine. 

5. Stretching exercises

Having back problems doesn’t mean that you have to be a couch potato. Get up once every 20 minutes to stretch your back or legs. It will help with pain moderation throughout the day. Stretching heavy hobbies like yoga can help you out with it too. 

6. Be comfortable

Plan your working space so you won’t have to lean forward towards your computer monitor or constantly reach for your mouse. Use a chair that won’t have you bend over in front of your desk. And try to keep your feet on the floor while sitting. 

7. Mind your posture

Your weight may overload your lower back if not supported correctly.  Play safe when lifting heavy things and try to avoid it at all costs. Try to bend over and get straight by using your knees, your lower back must be straight and secure.   

8. Avoid wearing high heels

Instead, try switching to flat shoes or low heels. Don’t wear heels more than 1 inch high. It may worsen your posture and increase the pressure on your lower back.  

The bottom line

Lower back pain should not be a burden in your life. Try to implement stretching exercises, lower back muscle training, a good amount of sleep, and a little bit of comfort into your life. Stay safe with lifting heavy objects and always consult your doctor if there are any problems with your lower spine. These recommendations will help you successfully plan and start your back caring routine.


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