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9 Amazing Principles of UI/UX Design You Should Know About

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There are plenty of awesome principles of user interface design that can make your website more attractive, usable and understandable to the visitor. Here are nine principles of UI/UX design you should know about.


1) Keep it Simple

When designing a website or app, it is important to keep things as simple as possible. Keeping your design clean and uncluttered will make it easier for users to find what they're looking for, which is the whole point of the design in the first place. Users should never be confused by your design choices; they should know exactly what they want to do before even clicking on an item. Simplicity also makes it easy for you to change things without confusing your audience. When deciding how much information to show, ask yourself how much time you want users spending on your site or app versus actually doing what they came there to do.


2) Use Real World Objects

  1. Proximity – Proximity is the principle by which objects that are near each other are perceived as part of the same group. For example, in a list, objects closer to each other will seem more related than those further apart.
  2. Similarity – Similarity is the principle by which objects that share attributes or characteristics are perceived as being more related than those that do not. This can be seen in an email inbox where emails with the same sender or subject line are grouped together, or on a home page where navigation links to related topics and services will be located close to one another.
  3. Alignment – Alignment is the principle by which objects have order and placement based on their level of importance and relationships among one another.


3) Think Like Your User

It's important to think like your user when designing a website. If you're designing a website for kids, make sure that the colors are bright and the font is big enough to read. If you're designing an app for kids, don't include any links that say terms and conditions because they probably won't know what those words mean and will end up clicking them (which can lead to major trouble). When you think about your users, try not to make assumptions about who they are or what they want. It's always better if you can do some research before developing the site or app.


4) Iterate, Iterate, Iterate

Iterate, iterate, iterate. The best product designs are those that have been tested and reworked over time to develop the best user experience. This is true for all aspects of design including user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). Let's take a look at some of the principles that have made these successful products so great.


5) Get Feedback Early and Often

Navigation is one of the most important principles to consider for a user-friendly interface. It's about providing users with a way to find what they need and giving them some control over how they do it. Navigation should be simple, clear, and intuitive so that people can quickly find the information they are looking for. If you have too many navigation options, users will be overwhelmed and confused. The best navigation has only two or three choices that work in tandem with each other to create a smooth flow from one option to the next.


6) Simplify Navigation

Navigation is one of the most important aspects of a website. The way people interact with your site will be determined by how easy it is to find what they need. 

Making navigation simple and effective doesn’t have to be difficult, and there are a few best practices that can make navigating your site much easier for both you and your visitors. 

It’s important to keep these principles in mind when designing navigation for your website


7) Consider the User's Goals

  1. Learn from the past and present 
  2. Keep it simple, stupid! 
  3. Use white space and negative space to create a good layout 
  4. Use fonts that are readable for users 
  5. Keep everything visible as possible without cluttering up the screen 
  6. Less is more


8) Never Stop Testing

It's not enough to run a few A/B tests here and there. You need to be constantly testing new features, copy, images and more. As the saying goes: If you never stop testing, you'll never have to worry about failure. Plus, when you test often, you're able to learn from your mistakes faster. That way, you can try again and make improvements on what doesn't work.


9) Prioritize

Many people are probably not aware that when designing the User Interface and User Experience for an application or website, it is important to prioritize certain features over others. Focusing on what the user needs to accomplish their goals will help make sure that they are successful and happy with their experience. The following are 9 principles that should be used when prioritizing design elements: 

1) Prioritize tasks 

2) Prioritize clarity 

3) Prioritize efficiency 

4) Prioritize visibility 

5) Prioritize simplicity 

6) Prioritize feedback 

7) Prioritize error prevention


Final Note

Hire User Interface Design Company. When it comes to web design, you want people to be able to find what they're looking for quickly. This means that the interface needs to be easy to navigate and any instructions need to be clear. A user interface design company will help you with this aspect of your website, as well as take care of graphics and other components that are part of a professional-looking site.

The Principles and Laws of UX Design – Why Every Designer Should Know Them

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