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Plants can really make a huge difference in the aesthetic of property. But with so many choices, it can be difficult to know which ones are best. This blog will help you in finding the perfect ones for your outdoors. We will also be sharing some awesome points and plants that will turn out good for Commercial Property Landscaping in Upland.

These plants are tough, attractive, and thrive in the Upland climate. Let's discuss how to select the best plants for your property so that it becomes a beautiful outdoor oasis.

How Proper Plants Can Improve The Appearance and Feeling of a Commercial Space

Plants can sometimes turn a business off due to their appearance and feel. Some can make a space more appealing, more inviting, and more welcoming. They can also put the stamp of quietness and serenity on the ambiance. For example, large, green plants can make a large, empty room feel smaller and cozier.

The small, colorful flowers will add a shade of color and bring some cheer. By partnering with a company that provides Commercial Landscape Services in Upland, you can select the right plants for your business and know they'll be healthy and well-maintained. They can also improve the quality of air in a space. They help rid the air of impurities and increase oxygen. This would provide a healthier and more productive work environment.

Besides, some plants can aid in noise reduction. They can also provide a barrier between your business and the outside world, making it more secluded and quiet. Assuring you that choosing high-quality plants and working with a good Commercial Landscape Services company will result in having a beautiful, healthy, and productive space, here are the best ones for your landscapes:

Lavender One of the great plants that look good and smell great is lavender. It's perfect for commercial landscapes in Upland since they can bear the hot, dry weather. In other words, the purple flowers add color to the facilities while its scent from this beautiful fragrance calms down the place. Experts in Landscape and Design regard this plant as great for entertaining and inviting outdoor spaces.

It is also very low maintenance, which is good in any area that can get busy. In addition, it will help keep the unwanted bugs away. Then, if you want to come up with a beautiful yet practical area, consider lavender. It is one of those that will certainly provide beauty, fragrance, and simple care for your outdoor space.


Agave is a beautiful, tough plant; thus, it's appropriate for Commercial Landscapes in Upland.

It can tolerate dry and hot weather with minimal water intake.

That makes it ideal for places like Upland, where water conservation is at the forefront of one's mind. Agave comes in many shapes and sizes to suit a variety of applications. They can appear impressive as solitary or grouped and can be used to make attractive borders and hedges. If you're looking for low-maintenance beautiful plants for Landscaping Services in Upland, Agave is a fantastic option.

California Poppy

The California Poppy is a great choice for Commercial Property Landscaping in Upland. This is a beautiful, bright orange-colored flower that has a resilient trait to grow in very hot and water-deficient areas. It's perfect for creating a colorful and striking landscape while using minimal water and low maintenance requirements. The California Poppy consists of low growth of fast-spreading plants; hence, the best ground cover for vast areas and adds a splash of color to any property.

Its bright outlook can contribute to a warm reception for any customers or visitors. The California Poppy is also an undeniably tough and wide-ranging plant that can grow in any kind of soil. It is thus low maintenance and would, therefore, suit any busy commercial property owner. This will make you enjoy the benefits accruable to having beautiful yet sustainable landscapes with low upkeep by incorporating it into your Commercial Property Landscaping in Upland.


Boxwood has long been one of the superior plants used in most commercial landscapes in Upland. This green beauty is strong and long-lasting, able to withstand any kind of weather condition.

The reason is that because it stays green all the time, it gives a very nice and manicured look to any kind of business property.

Boxwoods could be shaped into several forms, which proves to be very advantageous and helpful in making various designs.

If you would like some professional guidance with boxwood selection and maintenance for your commercial property, consider consulting with Commercial Landscape Services in Upland.


Lantana is a beauty with all colors very vibrant. Due to their vigorous and easy nature of growth, they are among the first choices one would use in busy areas like offices, hotels, and shopping centers. They are very drought- and heat-tolerant, so they can easily thrive in areas with Upland climates.

Lantana will surely bring color and life to any Landscape and Design, making it a favorite among people who want very beautiful outdoor spaces with low maintenance.

Fountain Grass

This will do great for the commercial landscapes in Upland. It looks very nice and can also grow quite well in Upland, in whose weather it would look good and thrive. This tall, feathery shape brings elegance and movement to any space.

Another benefit is that it requires little maintenance and doesn't need a lot of watering.

All in all, if you need a way to boost your commercial property's appeal, fountain grass is indeed something truly worthwhile. You may want to enlist the help of Landscaping Services in Upland in your work to add some of these lovely plants to your outdoor space.


Rosemary does well in commercial property landscaping in Upland. This is a hardy plant that will survive the hot and dry weather common in Upland. It has beautiful purple flowers and smells great, making it nice to view and be around. This herb is low-maintenance since it doesn't require too much water and can thrive in poor soil. Thus, it saves money on water and soil.

It can be used in several ways in commercial landscapes: either in garden beds as a border, or even in pots.

Red Hot Poker

It is an excellent selection for areas of full sun and little water, such as expansive parks or commercial offices. Red Poker is tough and, therefore, doesn't require intensive maintenance. Flowers are tall, fire-plume-looking, and done in shades of red, orange, and yellow. They do very well and add attractiveness and interest to any place.

They rarely consume huge amounts of water and could stand out in hot weather. This makes them cost- and labor-efficient for any person managing vast lands.

That is to say, the Red Hot Poker is a beautiful investment to decorate any outdoor scenery with less effort.


Yucca is an excellent selection for Commercial Landscapes in Upland areas because this flower is sturdy, beautiful, and can thrive anywhere with challenging conditions. These plants do not require too much water and can also bear hot sun, hence places such as office buildings, shipping centers, or even hotels. The yucca plants look good at all times and never go out of season; they can add a touch of nature to any Landscape and Design plan. They are available in varied shapes and sizes, so the chances are that you will find yucca to fit perfectly in your commercial space.

Final Thoughts

In a nutshell, Commercial Property Landscaping in Upland is very important.

A nice-looking outdoor impresses people and gives them the feeling that a place is more enjoyable and worth more money. Selecting the right plants and properly caring for them can make any area in Upland beautiful and inviting to the customers and employees of a business. If you are looking to give your outdoors a new refreshing look, then we recommend consulting the experts at Smith Landscape.

They have experience in high-end masonry, hardscaping, and landscaping services for more than 40 years. Visit the website today for more information on services.
