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9 Simple Diet Tips To Keep High Blood Pressure In Control

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The Vedda Blood Sugar Remedy is a new comprehensive nutritional strategy from health expert and natural wellness author Michael Dempsey. After his wife was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, Dempsey set out to find a natural alternative to the dangerous side effect inducing medications that his partner was required to take to manage the condition.

After spending several years consulting with doctors, health experts, endocrinologists, alternative therapists, and naturopaths around the world, Dempsey discovered a little-known nutritional approach followed by the inhabitants of a small jungle village in Dambana, Sri Lanka.

The nutritional approach employed by this village had been the subject of intense scrutiny by several universities throughout the world, as it has the ability to completely eliminate the root causes of diabetes. Built around coconut oil, the diet- called the Vedda diet- is able to manage blood sugar levels and even promote fast healthy weight loss. Supported by research from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Australia, Dempsey published the Vedda diet in a simple, easy to follow digital eBook and made it widely available as the Vedda Blood Sugar Remedy
