1. Women


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So, how do you ‘self-love?

Let us help you kick-start your self-love journey through our 4-step prescription for self-love.

Allow yourself to make mistakes

Making mistakes allows us to examine and understand what went wrong and why. If we would never make mistakes, we would never really learn anything. Therefore, instead of dwelling on your mistakes, it is essential to accept them and move forward. Sometimes, a mistake is bigger than a quick fix. Remember that it does not define you, and remind yourself that YOU ARE NOT YOUR MISTAKE.

Let go of toxic people

As part of a self-love regime, step away from anyone who brings toxicity into your life. Protecting your energy helps you remove yourself from the company of people who drain you. It is not just essential but also liberating. Extending your energy on the things that exhaust you can take away from what interests you.

Put yourself first

Most of us grow accustomed to putting others first, which is fine, but if it becomes a habit, the price to pay is your emotional well-being. Constantly looking after the needs of others and neglecting yourself can put a severe strain on yourself. Therefore, put yourself first and take into account your needs as well.

Maintain a journal

Writing your thoughts in a journal now and then as if writing to a friend allows your thoughts to flow. It helps you set intentions and lead to a positive self-image. If you aim to improve your relationship with yourself, make it a habit to document your goals, dreams, and fears every day. It will help you deal with overwhelming emotions and healthily express yourself.


Wellness includes the environment that you allow yourself to engage with. Developing these habits will help you make better decisions. It will help you slow down and ponder over what you need at the moment. Having a constant reminder to look after yourself and love yourself will guide your brain back to the right place.

Therefore, make sure that you utilize this 4-step prescription for self-care and help yourself feel better.



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