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Digital marketing has become an essential component for businesses that want to grow faster in this technology-driven world. However, many beginners hold common misconceptions about digital marketing which can lead to early defeat in this competitive market. In this article, we will discuss the most common misconceptions that beginners hold about digital marketing.

Time consumption versus fewer results

The first misconception that disappoints beginners is that digital marketing takes a lot of time, and the results are often few. This is partly true, as there are no shortcuts to success in digital or online marketing except for pay-per-click advertisement. When businesses start marketing online, they have to wait and watch for results for some time. However, after a few outcomes, a rework on strategy can lead to expected results. One thing to remember is that the results of digital marketing stay for a long time. Once the flow of business begins, it does far better in revenue collection than offline marketing processes.

Too technical and hard to track or measure

Many people negate digital or online marketing as it is a bit technical. However, digital marketing is not only for technical people, and it is possible to manage it without holding any technical degree. There are many tools available to analyze and trace the output of digital marketing efforts. For example, there are many keyword analysis tools that help businesses know the best keywords or phrases that would help them move forward and outperform competitors on Google search results.

Investment of lump sum money for success

Another misconception that can affect a beginner's first firm step in the domain of digital or online marketing is a money issue. Some people believe that digital or online marketing means investing a considerable part of their marketing budget. But this is not true. Whether a business employs any digital marketing expert or begins to work in this domain, a nominal investment can start showing greater results. There are so many free techniques that can be implemented to get firsthand results.

SEO is going to die

There are so many people who have a deep knowledge of Google and SEO. They believe that Google does not adhere to conventional practices of optimization of web pages (Meta tags, content, etc.) so it is not necessary to invest in digital or online marketing (SEO is certainly a part of it). It would be better to follow other techniques. These types of conceptions are nothing but misconceptions about digital marketing! The on-page SEO (working on Meta and content) still has importance to Google and other search engines. Those ploys guide search crawlers to index and show the best results against user queries. Yes, SEO techniques are becoming advanced to bring the best results to the customers, and it is not going to die until the search engines are in the market.

Social networking is all digital or online marketing

Many people think that social media marketing is all in all in digital marketing. If businesses can market themselves on social channels, they then do not need to do anything else. However, for beginners, it is essential to know that social media marketing is not the only technique to bring results. There are many other techniques that help businesses reach out to customers. For example, businesses need to make their online presence mobile-friendly to reach the greatest number of people. And to do that, they have to know some key techniques that stand as a part of digital media-based marketing.


There are many misconceptions about digital marketing processes. However, the truth is that businesses must research well and find out the truth. There are so many blogs of experts that can guide beginners to success in digital and online marketing. For example, Google's spokesperson Mr. Matt Cutts has a blog where he shares his good thoughts on digital and online marketing good practices. Such blogs and helps are innumerable, and by following them, success is bound to come for a beginner. The above points would help businesses avoid common

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