When the entire world is struggling to win over the corona virus, following the precautionary measure is the biggest fighting tool. There are strict guidelines from the governments about visiting hospitals. They say, do not visit hospital unless it is too important. This guideline comes into the place because most of the hospital beds are occupied by the corona infected patients.
The virus is very infectious and elderly people are at a high risk of getting infected and severely sick. In such a condition, teleconsultation is the most appropriate medium for the people to receive medical help. However, when the situation is critical and physical visiting the clinic is the only option then necessary precautions must be taken. Fortunately, if there is slight pain for a few days then dentist in Laurel MS are available for teleconsultation appointments.
Important steps to take to conduct a teleconsultation appointment:
Teleconsultation has come out as wonderful solution in these trying times. People are seeking medical help from this service, and more and more people are leveraging the features of this platform.
Patient consent for the consultation should be attended and the identity of the patient must be confirmed using at least three patient identifiers such as name, age, and address.
The patient must be aware of the limitation of teledentistry service by the dentist in Laurel MS. Though the dentist provides the best advice in the absence of face to face consultation.
The patient’s current clinical records must be available for reference.
A detailed record of the consultation includes confirmation of the person’s identity, consent to consultation, updates to medical and medication history, presenting symptoms, recommended treatment should be added to the clinical record.
When should seek consultation from a dentist?
It shouldn’t be too late to see a dentist the problem could grow wider and creates a major problem. Outlined is the series of examples where it would be appropriate to conduct a consultation remotely.
Is this new or recurrent?
Has the patient recently undergone a dental procedure?
Were you on antibiotics for this problem before?
Do they have elevated temperatures?
Do you sense facial swelling and pain, trismus, neck swelling, difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, or a compromised airway? If the infection is getting spread, they should present to the nearest emergency department and the dentist should call the hospital and provide details of the referral.
Determine how long the patient has the pain
Any other sign and symptoms