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The usage of the front-end framework has been growing at a steady pace in the last couple of years.

As a result, brands like Google and Facebook have developed their frameworks, Angular in 2016 and React Native in 2015, to contribute to the latest user interface requirements. And why not?

Almost all businesses now are on digital platforms looking for a comprehensive website and app solution to leverage their business.

To conduct a successful online business, they need a website or app with easy-to-surface and smooth functionality that can grab users' attention.

For that, they need to choose the relevant front-end frameworks which they can use to create modular, easy to maintain and standard architecture user interface for a smooth consumer operation.

Considering this fact, we have made a list of top-rated front-end frameworks to help them find out the most used and recommended front-end frameworks. But before that, let's understand:

Why use front-end frameworks?

The first and foremost reason to use front-end frameworks is to give your users a smooth and easy-to-navigate surface where they can find all the relevant links between your data and presentation.

It helps you in data fetching, data binding and easy routing, which automatically resolves your website's load time and enables you to improve your website appearance and performance.

Earlier, developers used to optimize HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build user interfaces, which was a good option with a limited budget and requirements.

But, with each technological advancement lately, people's priorities and approaches have levelled up.

They started to invest more in the latest frameworks to make their website more tempting and user-friendly with emerging front-end frameworks.

Here's the list of the top 5 best front-end frameworks of 2022 for your consideration.

React Native:

React Native is a subordinate of Facebook, an open-source JavaScript-based front-end framework used to create dynamic single page and mobile app user interfaces.

React has been widely adopted by the significant front-end developers community for its virtual Document Object Model (DOM), which helps them enhance the user experience and overall web and app performances.

Pros of React Native:

  • React Native comes with a reusable codebase, saving developers immense effort and time. With React Native, developers can build cross-platform applications using the same codebase but different APIs, which is the most significant asset of this framework.
  • As React Native is a JavaScript-based framework, you will get full access to multiple javaScript libraries, which automatically makes the development process easy.
  • React Native belongs to Facebook. So keep in mind that you will always get support from the more prominent developers community to help you overcome development obstacles at each step.
  • React Native has an easy and understandable yet long learning curve.

Cons of React Native:

  • Newbies not well acquainted with JSX might get hindrances during the learning process.
  • Despite being such extensive community support, React Native has abysmal documentation, too complex to understand.

Renowned React Native Apps & Websites:

  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram
  3. Netflix
  4. Dropbox
  5. Airbnb


A Typescript-based open-source web development framework led by the Google development team, Angular first came busting into the development scenario in 2016.

Since it has been the primary choice for many developers who aspire to create robust single-page web applications.

The two-way data binding feature that supports the real-time synchronization between view and model is Angular's primary aspect.

Pros of Angular:

  • Angular is supported by Typescript, a JavaScript dependence that makes the coding process easy for developers.
  • A wide range of libraries, plugins and integration are available to enhance the performance of your web applications.
  • You can access large and proactive developers' community support with Google backing.

Cons of Angular:

  • The major drawback of Angular is it's a complicated framework to learn, and newbies might find it challenging to cope with its structure and components.
  • For small and mid-scale projects, it's the best of all. But, you might not want to consider using Angular for large-scale projects.

Renowned Angular Websites:

  1. Upwork
  2. Forbes
  3. Gmail
  4. Paypal


Another popular framework in the best front-end framework league, Vue, is an open-source JavaScript-based framework used to create UI components and single-page applications.

Front-end developers prefer to use Vue while building large web applications.

Vue is well-compatible with TypeScript and JavaScript, making it the most dynamic progressive web app framework.

Pros of Vue.js:

  • Vue offers simple and easy-to-understand architecture, likewise HTML and JavaScrip.
  • js comes with extensive and detailed documentation that helps anyone learn and catch its components fast without any blockages.
  • The code reusability and small package size (25KB) save developers time and effort.

Cons of Vue.js:

  • Vue is multiplying with each passing time, but it will take time for the open-source front-end framework to match the React and Angular levels.
  • The smaller developers' community and fewer plugins and components are the major drawbacks of this proliferating framework.

Renowned website built using Vue.js:

  1. Gitlab
  2. Bechance
  3. Laravel
  4. Wizzair


jQuery is one of the senior-most yet widely popular front-end frameworks still ruling the front-end development segments.

It is the prominent successor with the largest CSS3 compliment and cross-JavaScript library.

But, above all, the most significant aspect of jQuery is that it reduces the coding lines and provides standard DOM manipulation APIs that enhance the development process.

Pros of jQuery:

  • js has a very short learning curve with extensive community support.
  • It comes with built-in animation and effects functionality.
  • js offers broad compatibility across all popular browsers and devices.

Cons of jQuery:

  • Lack of performance compared to the latest frameworks, React Native and Angular.
  • It's slower than CSS and not meant for client-side interactions.

Renowned website built using jQuery:

  1. Amazon
  2. Github
  3. Reddit
  4. Stackoverflow
  5. Baidu


Similar to Agular, Ember is another open-source JavaScript front-end framework that has made it to our list of best front-end frameworks of 2022.

Ember comes with many in-built applications such as MVC architecture, routers, data layers and testing tools, making it comprehensively easy to build dynamic single-page applications. 

Enterprises looking for low-cost website development solutions with dynamic features can consider using Ember proactively.

Pros of Ember:

  • Ember offers long-term support and maintenance of your project from start to post-deployment.
  • Ember comes with clear and concise documentation along with a well-organized framework structure.
  • Ember has a server-side rendering with data binding and URL support.

Cons of Ember:

  • Ember doesn't contain a standard set of UI components.
  • Ember has a steep and complex learning curve and small developer community support.

Renowned website built using Ember:

  1. Linkedin
  2. Square
  3. Apple Music
  4. Net Store
  5. Playstation

Final Words:

So, here are our top five best front-end frameworks of 2022, which we think will be highly used by most front-end developers to create robust and attractive user interfaces.

However, many others are in the same league as above, but those are not so widely used now.

We highly recommend you try on the above frameworks in your project. And suppose you need any professional assistance or are looking for a leading front-end development company to hire front-end developers monthly or hourly – Metizsoft Solution is your one-stop destination.