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A Concise Guide to Prepare for GRE

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We took you through a list of key notes on everything you should know about the GRE exam, including some brief pointers on GRE preparation, in our recent article, A Quick Guide to the GRE Exam.

In this section, we will walk you through the best ways to prepare for the GRE exam and point you in the right direction for the best study resources, such as GRE study materials and GRE test series.

Begin at least 8 weeks in Advance.

When it comes to test preparation, we always recommend getting an early start. Ideally, you should start preparing for the GRE 8 to 12 weeks before the exam date.This will allow you to study without stress and without having to spend long hours buried in books, practice tests, and nerves!

Make a Study Schedule.

When creating a study schedule, make sure it works with your current life and your well-being. Working hard is great, but being exhausted isn't! If you started studying for the GRE more than 8 weeks ago, you should be able to work on a less intense study schedule that allows you to spend only an hour or two at a time, two or three times per week.

As the exam approaches, we recommend increasing the intensity of your study schedule to get your brain in peak condition before slowing down slightly the week of the exam.

Determine the Score Required.

First and foremost, determine the minimum GRE score required by the college or university to which you wish to apply. This may differ from institution to institution, but there are some general guidelines:

  • A score of 318 or higher (out of 340) is considered good, while a score of 329 or higher is considered excellent.
  • The final score is less important than the percentile you fall into, i.e. where you rank in comparison to other test-takers.
  • Typically, a score of 318 or higher places you in the 75th percentile, while a score of 329 places you in the 90th percentile.

Take GRE Practice Tests

Now that you know roughly what score you need, it's time to assess your current level. Check out our website for GRE practice tests and sample questions.

Don't be concerned about the format, and don't be concerned about how well you perform! Taking a blind practice test is an excellent way to determine your strengths and weaknesses.

Furthermore, it is an excellent way to become acquainted with the GRE pattern.

Learn About the GRE Exam Pattern.

It is critical to understand how a test looks, feels, and functions, as well as what types of questions are included. Even a native English speaker can underperform on an exam if they are unfamiliar with the pattern and time constraints.

As previously stated, the simplest way to become acquainted with the GRE format is to take a practice test and gain firsthand experience.

If you want to learn more about the format right now, return to our GRE overview article!

Purchase a GRE Study Guide.

A good guidebook for any standardized test is an excellent investment. It will walk you through everything you need to know, from format outlines to practice questions, mock tests, and sample answers, as well as useful strategy pointers.

Here are 2 of the best GRE guide books & their publishers:

  1. Princeton Review GRE Prep, 2022 — Princeton Review
  2. Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions & Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions — ETS

Regularly Take Online Practice Tests.

  • Along with GRE Online Coaching we recommend taking regular GRE practice tests online to simulate how you'll sit the exam.
  • Taking a practice test once a week should be sufficient. This allows you to track and manage your progress while also giving you plenty of time to analyze and improve your skills for the next time.
  • Try to work under the same conditions on test day for some of your practice tests, especially those you do closer to the exam date. That's with time constraints and complete focus, this will be beneficial.

Read Authentic English!

  • The GRE exam is designed to assess your readiness for postsecondary education. In other words, your task is to demonstrate that you understand, analyze, and interpret academic and business English.
  • Apart from direct GRE test preparation methods such as practise tests, one of the best ways to improve your GRE prospects is to spend time reading formal English literature on a daily basis — newspapers, magazine articles, research papers — all of these will help you acclimate to the standard of topical language you can expect on the GRE, and will help develop your overall English fluency.



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