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Pearl Lemon PR is a multi award winning PR agency which offers its services to any team in any niche.

Why do Doctors Need Reputation Management?

Doctors too require reputation management, much like many other businesses in different fields. They need reputation development to boost online presence to create exposure and bring in potential patients. Online reviews are very important for healthcare practitioners as they influence their business directly.

What Constitutes a Doctor’s Reputation

  1. Patient Reviews- This goes without saying, that word of mouth and online reviews can make or break a doctor’s career.
  2. Having a Website- Of course, without having a fully functioning official website with all the information regarding your business it is hard to have an online reputation.
  3. Social Media Presence- Having a website isn’t enough for exposure. Having accounts on Facebook and Instagram or doctor blogs where you post content regularly also draws in clients.
  4. Provider Listings- Since most people go onto search engines such as Google and Yahoo to find relevant doctors who suit their needs and are best qualified, getting listed on these directories is used for reviews and boosting profiles.

Guidelines Doctors Follow to Maintain Reputation

  • Taking Action

Whether the reviews and feedback received from patients is positive or negative, attending to them as soon as possible is crucial. This shows that the doctor is attentive, proactive and enjoys interacting with their customers and appreciates the feedback. For positive reviews, prompt responses sending thanks and for negative reviews, taking steps to rectify mistakes, apologizing is ideal.

  • Strategy for Ratings and Reviews

Implementing a strategy for all kinds of feedback from patients is important for keeping track of what is being said at all times and avoiding confusion and mix ups. There are tools such as RepCheckup which help do the job for doctors which saves them time from doing it themselves.

  • Physical Advertising

Using positive online reviews from patients and adding them to their official website is a clever tactic used by many doctors to boost their reputation as well as customer growth by reassuring them of their capabilities. They do this at their clinics as well, giving credit to the writer by quoting them.

Reputation Management Companies for Doctors

My Practice Reputation- They are an easy to use online reputation management for doctors and those working in the healthcare industry by helping them to monitor, protect and progress their practices proactively. They ensure positive reviews and ratings while mitigating negative ones. 

GMR Web Team- A US based reputation management company for doctors, their software includes monitoring the sentiments of patients for each practice location and doctors, receiving immediate notifications for negative reviews and solutions for the same and using real time reporting to improve patient care.

Patient Gain- Another US reputation management company for doctors, they offer services like sending patient review requests, follow ups, intercepting bad reviews, ranking higher on sites like Google and Yelp and displaying reviews on doctor official websites.

Intrepid Healthcare Marketing- They specialize in generating reviews on top platforms, booking new appointments, improving local SEO rankings, EMR integrations and more. They have 8 years of experience and have a strong team of medical marketing experts.

Reputation Rhino- Led by a team of legal, marketing, technology and public relations experts, this reputation management company for doctors specialize in building brand awareness, generating positive online media coverage, protecting brands online reputation, removing fake or negative comments and defending against competitors’ smear campaigns.


Original Source:- https://bit.ly/3CvyKl0