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Artistic expressions, often wrongly thought of as an attribute reserved for the naturally talented individuals, you probably hold the same belief. The realm of Arts and creativity extend way beyond the walls of galleries and studios. The act of creating, whether it means the simple passive doodles during a tedious meeting or a thoughtful and well detailed sketch in a natural setting, all exert a substantial impact on your cognitive and emotional climate. 


Even the simplest forms of art, such as doodling, provide an array of cognitive advantages.  In a study conducted by Jackie Andrade in 2009, reaching the conclusion that this spontaneous and unstructured form of art, as mild and  insignificant as it may seem, has the ability to boost memory retention by up to 29%. It serves as viable tools, sharpening faculties such as attention, memory, and data organizations.  


Insights From Jackie Andrade's Pioneering Research


The interplay of art and the inner workings of the human mind has long piqued the scientific community's interest. Jakie Andrade's pioneering research, “What Does Doodling Do,” published in late 2009, provides the foundation to this infatuation. Andrade's study focused primarily on the cognitive benefits of doodling, disputing early assumptions that it was merely a form of entertainment. Essentially, the study had the first half of participants listen to a series of boring, tedious phone calls, while the other half  was instructed to engage in passive doodling.

The results were astounding: individuals who doodled retained 29% more information than those who engaged in phone calls. This illustrates that doodling and comparable activities may boost concentration while decreasing the possibility of daydreaming, which can be more distracting than doodling itself.

Andrade's discovery presents deeper implications beyond memory retention. Doodling along with comparable activities can serve as a cognitive anchor, offering just enough stimulus to keep the mind engaged but not overloading it. The seemingly simple tasks of drawing, sketching, or even laborious painting outlets through conventional kits such as coloring books, a ‘Captain america diamond painting’ or an ‘Iron man diamond painting’ kit, as passive and easy as it may sound, yet, it facilitates information processing, conceptual organization, and concentration.

These creative activities serve as a communication channel between the conscious and subconscious realms, encouraging better cognitive flow and awareness.

Furthermore, engaging in any type of art dictates the use of a variety of brain regions, including those involved in visual imagery, problem solving, and emotional processing. This rich stimulation establishes a unique blend of creative thinking, emotional depth, and logical reasoning, making painting not just a fun activity but also a valuable tool for mental engagement and cognitive growth.


How Can Art Be Easily Incorporated into Daily Life?


Fostering creativity and incorporating art into daily life can be a simple and effective way to improve cognitive capacities. The trick is to overcome the illusion that art necessitates great gestures and long-term, intense commitments. While this may be true for professional artists, people looking to improve their everyday routines and cognitive abilities can do so by introducing tiny, manageable forms of creative expression into their life. 

Begin by redefining ‘art.' It does not have to be a masterpiece fit for an art gallery. Art may be as basic as a doodle during a phone conversation or a quick sketch on a napkin during lunchtime. These little creative activities are essential for rekindling your artistic soul. Consider carrying a small sketchbook or notepad dedicated to these expressions, providing a tangible element for your creative endeavors and serving as a visual reminder to engage in artistic activities.

Creating a space for artistic expression may also include adjusting your living area. Consider designating a tiny section of your home as your personal creative refuge, whether it's for engaging in long meditative kits such as a ‘black panther diamond painting’, ‘avengers diamond painting’ , traditional painting, or digital art. You don't need a full-fledged studio; a designated location with easy access to your tools and a comfortable and inspiring environment would suffice.

Furthermore, explore the possibility of infusing creativity into repetitive mundane tasks. Consider the act of cooking to be an art form, a canvas of tastes and aesthetics ready to be discovered. Experiment with a colorful kaleidoscope and unique food presentation to take an artistic approach. Similarly, gardening may be a creative outlet, allowing you to create visually appealing compositions with plants and flowers.


In nutshell, the sphere of art stands out as a viable medium towards enhanced cognitive faculties and emotional well-being. In conclusion, art presents a pathway to improved cognitive capacities and emotional well-being, and it is not restricted to the gifted. 


Embracing creativity in everyday life may be as easy as doodling, setting up a tiny creative zone at home, or incorporating artistic flare into ordinary duties like cooking and gardening. Incorporating these creative moments not only improves your cognitive abilities, but also adds vitality to your regular activities. So, how will you incorporate art into your life today?