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All your facial muscles are connected, and your skin functions as a muscle. Every time you frown, for example, your muscles contract to keep your face in a neutral expression. These muscles need to be exercised daily to help keep them strong. The facial muscles you use to smile, and frown are just two of the many involved in facial expression.

This section of your face is in the frontal part of your face, which means that most of your face is being used in this one function. Try these facial exercises for cheeks to strengthen your facial muscles and change the way you look. Most facial exercises involve upward and outward movement. So instead of concentrating on your eyes or lips, put the focus on your cheeks.

Do You Know How to Exercise Your Face?

“You really have to train and stretch the facial muscles. For example, your upper and lower eyelid muscles are very powerful muscles that are used for blinking. Researchers aren't entirely sure why this type of exercise helps firm and tighten facial muscles, but they think it's because of the repetitive and repetitive movement it induces. They also have theories about why this type of facial exercise might be beneficial for fighting the signs of aging. Facial exercise might strengthen the muscles that control eyelid movement and the muscles that control mouth expression. Both of these areas of the face can get soft and saggy as we age.

Facial Exercises That Make a Difference

Standing with a Dime It's normal to have an involuntary tensing of the muscles around your eyes when you frown or squint. But our facial muscles aren't static – and can get lazy if we aren't activating them regularly. To get this face-firming exercise going:

  • Use a dime or a small pebble and rest it on your forehead.
  • Press your forehead against the stone or pebble, and then move it away.
  • Repeat several times.

The Happy Face

The simple act of raising one eyebrow might look silly, but doing it when you're happy and proud will have a positive effect on your face. Begin by putting a penny in your palm. Press your thumb over your thumb, and rest the flat side of the coin on your cheek. Then press the raised part of your eyebrow up.

Water breathing

Your body starts to breathe faster and more deeply in water, like near a beach. You can do this exercise by lying on your back, holding your breath as long as you can, and trying to hold your breath for as long as you can.


What is natural face yoga? Physical therapists and aestheticians have been practicing it as far back as the Egyptians and Greeks have documented facial yoga. Many cosmetic and medical professionals have incorporated exercises into their treatment routines. So, what is “natural face yoga”? For people who don't want to pay for a gym membership, it's a practical exercise you can perform at home, in the comfort of your own home. Follow some basic face exercises for cheeks that anyone can do at home to improve their overall facial appearance.

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