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Pets enter our homes as tiny animals and very soon become beloved members of our families. As pet owners, we want nothing but the best for our furry and loyal companions, from their food, toys, and even grooming products. On National Pet Day, celebrate your pet as you pamper them with Dr. Natural’s amazing alternative to pet shampoos to keep them clean, healthy, and happy.

Just like family, our furry companions deserve the best!

At Dr. Natural, we believe in wholehearted living — that means caring for yourself, your loved ones, and the planet, all with natural, honest ingredients. That’s why our pet products are formulated with earth-good ingredients, free from synthetic chemicals, and harsh additives. They’re gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin and tough enough for everyday messes.

We share your love for animals. That’s why we proudly stand by our commitment to cruelty-free practices. No furry friends were harmed in the making of any Dr. Natural products. Yet, finding the right grooming product for your pet can be a massive challenge. Between doing your research, asking fellow pet owners, and testing with your pet it can be difficult to find the right grooming products for your pet’s particular needs.

Made with moisturizing and clean ingredients like Olive OilCoconut Oil, and pure Shea ButterDr. Natural’s Liquid Castile Soap is gentle even for the most sensitive skin pet. Natural Castile Soap is a multitasking champion that cleans your pet, home, and even yourself — all with one bottle! — Because good things are meant to be shared.

– Gentle Bath Time: Keep your pet clean and irritation-free with the natural and Castile lather.

– Clean Pet Belongings: Wash away dirt and grime from bed, toys, and bowls!

– Surface Sweeper: Tackle everyday messes on counters, floors, and more with the chemical-free clean.

With a range of fragrances available that are non-irritating and non-artificial, the Liquid Castile Soap can be used without worry.

Keep your pet safe as Dr. Natural Pure Castile Soap comes in a wide range of attractive non-artificial scents that effectively clean your pet without irritation. Additionally, using natural castile soap on surfaces, utensils, and clothes reduces the chances of your pet having a negative reaction in comparison to artificial soaps.

Bring on the tail wags and muddy paw prints!

Dr. Natural’s is all about a clean conscience and clean coats — making it a win-win for everyone. Let your pet’s natural shine through with a natural bath and body pet-tastic grooming line!


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