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A Pre-Made Polkastarter Clone To Launch The IDO Launchpad In A Short Span

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In today’s generation, it isn’t that tough to create an IDO launchpad. All the things considered, rather than developing it from scratch, employing the Polkastarter Clone will be viable. This is mainly because of customization, as it could be modified in accordance with features, and it would be operated on your choice of blockchain networks. Prominent blockchain networks include Ethereum, TRON, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, etc. In this quick blog, let’s see the vital features and perks of the Polkastarter Clone. Read on!


Vital Features Of The Polkastarter Clone


Cross-Chain Swapping – The cross-chain functionality will give investors to have an opportunity to trade the IDO tokens on different blockchain networks. 

Fixed Swapping – This feature will make certain that the volatility from the token value will be extended by listing the projects for a fixed price.

Project Verification – This is much more requisite in order to create trust among investors. The community members will verify the project before listing and so to ensure there are no scam projects are put forth on the platform.

Token Allocation – At the very next moment of listing the IDO token on the Polkastarter Clone, the investors are able to buy the tokens for investing in the project without delay.


Here Are The Perks Of The Polkastarter Clone


  • The Polkastarter like IDO launchpad offers a swift trading facility as the investors will have an option to purchase the tokens at fewer prices and sell them at higher prices in the upcoming days. 
  • As mentioned above, when the project holders submit their projects, the team of members will review them as to whether the project is sustainable or not. This will eventually make the platform more reliable.
  • The tokens representing new projects could be paired along with the cryptocurrencies. It is to provide instant liquidity.
  • The interoperability trait will enable the investors to trade or transfer the tokens across different blockchain networks. 


Final Words


So far, in this blog, we have seen the indispensable features and benefits of the Polkastarter Clone. When you want to launch your own fundraising platform, get in touch with a well-renowned IDO launchpad development company or agency.