1. Personal

A to Z 2018 Theme Reveal: Letters from the Soul

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Despite blogging regularly from 2014, this is the first time I am going to take the famous A to Z challenge. And I am super excited about it! 

For people who don't know what it is about, it is a blogging challenge where participants have to write 26 posts on the month of April, thematically from A to Z. I enjoyed doing NaNoWriMo and so I am sure, I will enjoy doing A to Z this April. 

After thinking a lot about the theme, I decided to dedicate the A to Z challenge to my eternal love: poetry. The name of my theme is 
Letters from the Soul. I will be writing 26 poems on soul-searching, soul companions, soul healing and so on. I plan to try different forms of poetry for this challenge to keep it interesting for my readers and myself. 

Last year, during the month of April, I lost my grandmother which left deep scars in my soul as she raised up after my mother passed away when I was twelve. I was extremely close to her. Nothing is perhaps more painful in life than dealing with the loss of a loved one, especially a family member. It leaves a void so deep that nothing can fill it. 

But when we look within and form a deep relationship with our inner self…our soul, it guides us to look at life from a fresh new perspective. It heals us, enlightens us and helps us make some beautiful connections in this lifetime. After all, the power is always within us. We just need to tap within and reconnect with our soul…our authentic self. We are our own medicine. 

The 26 poems that I will be penning down will be personal, richly drawn from the experiences of me and my close ones. I am thrilled to embark on this journey from 1st April. 

This is just a teaser of what's coming up. Looking forward to a poetic, emotional and exciting roller coaster ride!

Hope to see you all on my blog this April. Wishing the very best to all the bloggers who will be participating in A to Z 2018.